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New Member
I'm looking for a used EASY PIC5 or 6 (MIKROELEKTRONIKA) good or damaged, as long as it HAS the PIC18F2550 28 pins Dip or Smd (USB2.0 mikro ICD section) with the debugging embedded software in WORKING CONDITIONS.
No matter if there are other parts damaged.
If somebody has it,matching the upper conditions, and want to sell please answer emailing me:
MOD edit... Please Refrain from posting you email.... Lots of bots here..
Thanks and regards.
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My excuses and thanks to Moderator for accepting my post without respecting the conditions and not having 25 post done.
10 days ago I read the conditions....but after I forgot all about and yesterday I did it!
I am desperately searching a cheap solution for my problem with the EasyPic.
My excuses and thanks to Moderator for accepting my post without respecting the conditions and not having 25 post done.
Nothing to do with 25 posts.... If you post your email on the forum the bots will pick it up... You can just tell folk that your email is in your profile....
Also... We had a member looking high and low for an old easypic5... His wasn't working, but one was nowhere to be found.. Evey now and again ebay has one... But working??? Who knows..
**broken link removed**
I have an easypic fusion V7, but I'm guessing that doesn't do you much good.
Thank you very much for answering but I've already found an EasyPic5 in England,working properly adn actually on my desk.
Regards, Arty
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