Egypt, my origin, is on fire

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Egypt, my origin, is on fire [SOLVED!!!]

YouTube - Egyptian Revolution 2011 COMPLETE. World MUST MUST watch this. Freedom for All!

The revolution is going on.

maybe few of you understand what is the meaning of such change in the region. it simply means we are heading to the unknown. but what ever it will be, it will be better than Moubarak's (current president) dictatorship

just wanted to share what i think will affect the near feature in many ways.
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Good luck, dictatorship is never good, hope it all works out well.

Thank you for sharing that powerful video. And thanks for sharing your view. May liberty and peace take root in Egypt and around the world.
Egyptian refugee children are now appearing in UK schools - I don't know if the parents are coming over as well, or just sending their children out of the way (presumably to stay with relatives here?).
It looks like coup time in Egypt.

**broken link removed**

The statement was labeled "Communique No. 1," language that also suggests a military coup.
IT's Over!!!!!!!!!! yihaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Mubarak is OUT!!! OUT!

I wonder where he is now, but Swiss gov. said they have freezed all his bank accounts and assets (stolen from Egypt over the years...)

As Ben Ali, Moubarak brings another good lesson to any dictator who thinks oppression and torture can keep him in power for ever. never been so happy in my life
Congratulations to the people of Egypt! I hope this development leads to liberty to all people there.

This day remindes me of a story I heard about my own country's founding. It was said that after the new government was formed ( in secret ) a woman asked Benjamin Franklin what kind of government has the founding fathers given to them; a republic or a monarcy. Franklin said, "A republic madam. Now it's up to you to keep it."

Treasure this day and I'll hope it leads to wonderful things to come
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