Electric Horn question

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New Member
hey guys, i have a horn with 12v/510Hz
i want to use it using my 48v/14A battery.
i cant think of a way to get the resistor as a power devider from 48v to 12v for this horn.

any ideas how i calculate that? (i dont know the resistance of the horn)


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Specs found on the Internet show that it is an electromagnetic automotive horn that uses 6 Amps at 12V. You're looking at one HOT 216 Watt, 6 ohm resistor there fella. Power source is 48 V, Horn is 12 V, resistor voltage is 48-12=36 volts. 36 volts/6 amps = 6 ohms. Power= 6 amps * 6 amps * 6 ohms = 216 watts.
ok thanks for the fast reply.. sorry for my slow reply though

so. how many Ohms i need to put before the horn to decrease the voltage from 48 to 12 for this thing to work properly?
The cost of the resistor will probably be greater than that of a 48V horn or a 12V battery .
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