Electro-Static Air Filters help with parts and schematic

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Hi, I found this schematic how to make Electro-Static Air Filter.

**broken link removed**

Here is the schematic: **broken link removed**
Here is the PCB photo: **broken link removed**
PCB Layout: **broken link removed**

Can anyone help me to outsource the parts from farnell.com, elfa.com online catalogs.

Are caps ceramic or polyester or polypropylene?
What are specs for by711 HV diode amps, voltage etc.

I'm having hard time finding T1, tried searching "trigger coil" to no
avail. Has it any other name, model etc.

This filter claims no ozone and safe design if shorted or touched by hand as it uses NE-2 bulb, are these claims true?
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Chemlec the author of that page is a long time ETO member.
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