electronic asisted cluch

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That is a new one on me, I never heard of "electronic assisted clutch". Is it like electric brake? I prefer hydraulic operated clutch, myself.
Russlk said:
That is a new one on me, I never heard of "electronic assisted clutch". Is it like electric brake? I prefer hydraulic operated clutch, myself.

yes I know this is new. My teacer give me this project an I have to finish it till december... nad I really dont know where to start .... pls help
If you google on electric clutch you'll find some companies that make them. Power is applied and the clutch engages or disengages. Lots of things like copiers use them.

As with any clutch, you'll need to understand the load you intend to impose on the clutch. If the speed of the input shaft and output shaft are different when the clutch is to engage then there will be an intertial load as the clutch engages - in addition to other loads. You might not want the clutch to lock-up right away - or maybe you do.

I'd look in manufacturer's applications data and also in machine design references. Information that applies to hydraulic and other clutches may be worth reviewing. Certainly the electrical side of things also deserves attention.
Activating a clutch mechenism with a servo motor or solenoid can be be done , but a far more elegant solution exists...ferromagnetic fluid
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An electromagnet that is attracted to a rotating disc is a simple clutch. You would want PWM to be able to apply the clutch gradually.

Trailer electric brakes use an electromagnet that is attracted to a rotating disc but the electromagnet is off center and operates the standard brake mechanism. A clutch for heavy loads could be made in the same way.
As you press your foot down on the clutch you will have to have a sensor that can detect diferent positions of the clutch, not just a simple clutch on/ clutch off. I'd like to see you get out of 1st without doing that :lol:
You never heard of double clutching? When I was young, it was a necessity, not many transmissions had synchro clutches.
You mean synchronized transmissions. Russlk

Electronic clutch hmmm.....

Solenoid? Servo?? ferromagnetic fluid ? Now that is the future. Apparently Ford has been developing this for years now.

But electronic clutch?, I think your assignment is towards a standard form of controlling clutch pressure / engage /disengage. PWM probably. Heck, why not go with full transmission control?
Or maybe it is something like the (Triptronic)transmission I think it is called? When you hit the gear shift up, you down shift. Go down and it upshift. All with out the driver having to push the clutch. Actually the clutch is only used to get vehicle rolling in first or reverse.Everything else is electronically controlled.
The New Holland tractors out here, some of them , have it. You can upshift without ever clutching. And yes i know some are hydrostatic.(not at all the same thing.)

Just trying to let you know what's out there, maybe this will help you.
Here is a link as to where electronic clutch would be used


they use solenoids to control valves..

Good luck.
As per my opinion by saying "Electronic assisted clutch" bypp means a Clutch which is controlled electronically. am I right bypp??? :?:
Well my job is to design transmission control units for car and in case of AT/CVT/AMT units clutch is controlled electronically by the control unit whenever the gears are to be shifted
Like in case of Hydraulic clutches which are most commonly use in car the hydraulic power to the clutch is controlled electronically (by means of solenoid) So even if the clutch is based on hydraulic power, the control of clutch is electronic. and thus you can call it a "Electronic assisted clutch"

I guess this is what bypp wants to make... :?:
The clutches in the auto-tranny of my GM cars have been electronically-controlled for many years. The computer for the tranny communicates with the computer for the engine and they make gear shifts very smooth and keep good fuel efficiency.
The computers in my new car are faster. Before I could mess their shifting by stepping on the gas while they are shifting to a higher gear, but not anymore. I think about how those computers are talking about me: "(highest priority interrupt) Hey tranny, never mind calculating how many km 'til we run out of gas, the idiot just stepped on it but my fuel pump isn't up to speed yet, so change this shift up to a shift down and delay it just for a moment until I say when I'm ready". "Hey engine, the idiot is in a hurry again. Remember what we did the last time? Lets have some more fun." :lol: :lol:
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