The projects I have done using a bar code reader were done on a PC, I never used a PIC chip. The link you provided looks to be a cypher lock system where the user enters a 4 digit code on a keypad. If the code is correct the door opens. The experimenting I have done with this involved using a bar code reader connected via USB to a PC. The software used a data base. When an employee scaned their bar code on their badge the software searched the data base for that employee code. If it found the code to be valid it would open a door. I used a USB DIO (Digital In / Out) device to communicate with the door strike solenoid.
I never used a PIC to read a bar code and use for example a look up table to verify the code. In the example a single code is programmed into the PIC. I am just not sure how to interface the reader to the PIC.
I never used a PIC to read a bar code and use for example a look up table to verify the code. In the example a single code is programmed into the PIC. I am just not sure how to interface the reader to the PIC.