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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.


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One of the best things there was the thread on the 0-30 volt power supply project. It didn't quite do what it claimed but Audioguru fixed it. That thread was over a hundred pages I think. There was a lot of good info in it and several people ended up building pretty nice power supplys.
The owner of Electronics-Lab was studying computers in university and set up the website to try different online software and ads. His hobby is electronics.

His handle is Mixos and he built the original faulty 0V-30V 3A power supply that didn't meet its ratings then it blew up. He gave up with it before I fixed it.

The horrible Moderator called himself an engineer but he never designed and never posted any circuit or project.

Aaron Cake has some faulty projects on his website. One is a 12VDC to 120VAC inverter that has its timing capacitors backwards so they blow-up. There are two very long threads with complaints.
The inverter's output is about 25W before they blow. Reversing the capacitors also causes then to blow because the two power transistors have avalanche breakdown which feeds them huge current pulses. The transistors have hardly any base current.

The horrible Moderator said the inverter project works fine.


  • bad inverter.PNG
    bad inverter.PNG
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Lol, perhaps we should invite him to join this forum so he can defend himself, it's rude to talk about people behind thier backs, lol I wonder how many red squares he'd get. :D
Don't worry, we won't swear at him, although I can't guarantee that he won't swear at us. :D
Ask the horrible Moderator what happens when you connect a power supply rated at 10A to a circuit that draws only 1mA.
He will say the circuit will explode! Hee, hee.

Ask him what the output will sound like from an opamp without any negative feedback.
He says he does it like that all the time. Hee, hee.

Like the opamps in the defective Electronic Stethoscope from Aaron Cake and copied to Electronics-Lab projects.
He said the opamps were fine and he has e-mails from people who also said the project worked fine.


  • Electronic Stethoscope original.PNG
    Electronic Stethoscope original.PNG
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I googled the website and his spelling is pretty bad, almost as bad as that one member that would type like this: I need tht ocilliat bd for projct fr skhool.

He spelled Diagrams and Hobbyist wrong :D
I am a moderator on that site. But . I have limited control. I moderate 2 boards there. Datasheets and Circuit requests. I have never deleted a post that was a correction to someones opinion. Audio Guru can vouch for that. In my forums I welcomed opinions.
I did delete Advertizements and Spam.
Everytime I corrected the horrible Moderator, he deleted my post.
He deleted entire long topics.
He deleted posts by noobies that were in the wrong forum.
hotwaterwizard said:
I am a moderator on that site. But . I have limited control. I moderate 2 boards there. Datasheets and Circuit requests. I have never deleted a post that was a correction to someones opinion. Audio Guru can vouch for that. In my forums I welcomed opinions.
I did delete Advertizements and Spam.
You're alright, our beef isn't with you but MP.

What do you think, do you agree with us?
Electronics-Lab is back now.
I think it has a nice new fast server.
How shall we do this?

I've signed up again, I'll send you a PM which you can foward on to audioguru, then he can forward it on to mixos.

Unless you can suggest anything better I suppose.

I did consider starting a thread in a section he doesn't moderate but I wonder how long it would be before I get banned.

Wow, it has really gone downhill since I last visited, those advertising links really are annoying!
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I have complained to Mixos about the horrible moderator's many mistakes and deleting my corrections to them, but Mixos doesn't know if I am correct or if the horrible moderator is correct.

So I don't care if the horrible moderator is still there. He doesn't irritate me. Other people can see that he doen't know what he is talking about and he is just a bully.

Look up Mixos in Google. There is a 25 year old guy in Athens who has a website that talks about his "buds" (of marijuana?).
audioguru said:
I have complained to Mixos about the horrible moderator's many mistakes and deleting my corrections to them, but Mixos doesn't know if I am correct or if the horrible moderator is correct.
That's only because it's your word against his, if other people who also know what they're talking about, brought it to his attention, there's more chance he'll listen.

So I don't care if the horrible moderator is still there. He doesn't irritate me. Other people can see that he doen't know what he is talking about and he is just a bully.
Even if it doesn't bother you, him leaving would make your helpful posts benifit others as they wouldn't get deleted.
Hero999 said:
That's only because it's your word against his, if other people who also know what they're talking about, brought it to his attention, there's more chance he'll listen.
Another Moderator at Electronics-Lab agreed with me but his replies were also deleted by the horrible Moderator. In the Moderators' meetings the horrible moderator was being a bully so the other moderator left Electronics-Lab forever.

Aren't all the ads terrible?? Every second word posted is underlined twice with a link to an ad.
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