Ronsimpson, you are correct with your datasheet. However, NTE lists a NTE2367 and a NTE2369 both with a 4.7/4.7 resistor network on the first page of the datasheet, yet one datasheet states a 0.1 ratio for input R1/R2 resistance, the other a 1.0 resistance ratio for input. One of those datasheets is wrong, and the one with a 0.1 ratio of R1/R2 is probably a 4.7/47 resistor network.
Until someone can verify why there is a difference in ratios for those two different devices, yet showing the same 4.7k resistor networks at the start of the datasheet, it is hard to say which is a correct substitution. Why would NTE make two similar devices with the same resistor network?
Hopefully wickline can find out why there is a difference in ratios.
The problem with the Digikey selections is that they are all "obsolete", not available. This may be true for other substitutes as well, including the NTE devices...