My sincere apologies.... I had compiled it with XC8.... Not Hitech Lite!!! The code generated in the Hitech Lite version doesn't fit the code space.
I have the full version of XC8 so it compiles and takes up @ 2 thirds of the code space..
I will try to remove the float from the code to save some space.
Thought so!!! I have removed the floating point routines and it will now compile.
You may need to tweek the outputs as I may be 10 times out..
I have the full version of XC8 so it compiles and takes up @ 2 thirds of the code space..
I will try to remove the float from the code to save some space.
Thought so!!! I have removed the floating point routines and it will now compile.
You may need to tweek the outputs as I may be 10 times out..
/* Project name:
Seven-segment display digital thermometer
* Copyright:
(c) Rajendra Bhatt, 2010.
Oscillator: XT, 4.0 MHz
#include "1wire.h"
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000 // Xtal speed
#define abs(N) ( (N) >= 0 ? (N) : -(N) )
// Temperature digits
unsigned char i, DD0=0x3f, DD1=0x3f,DD2=0x00, CF_Flag=0xff, CF=0x3f, N_Flag;
// CF_Flag = 0: F, 1: C
// Variable to store temperature register value
int temp_value=0;
long temp_F;
//-------------- Function to Return mask for common cathode 7-seg. display
unsigned short mask(unsigned char num) {
switch (num) {
case 0 : return 0x3F;
case 1 : return 0x06;
case 2 : return 0x5B;
case 3 : return 0x4F;
case 4 : return 0x66;
case 5 : return 0x6D;
case 6 : return 0x7D;
case 7 : return 0x07;
case 8 : return 0x7F;
case 9 : return 0x6F;
case 10 : return 0x40; // Symbol '-'
case 11 : return 0x39; // Symbol C
case 12 : return 0x71; // Symbol F
case 13 : return 0x00; // Blank
} //case end
return 0;
void display_temp(unsigned char DD0, unsigned char DD1, unsigned char DD2, unsigned char CF) {
for (i = 0; i<=100; i++) {
RA0 = 1; // Select Ones Digit
RA1 = 0;
RA2 = 0;
RA3 = 0;
RA0 = 0;
RA1 = 1; // Select Tens Digit
RA2 = 0;
RA3 = 0;
RA0 = 0;
RA1 = 0;
RA2 = 1; // Select +/- Digit
RA3 = 0;
RA0 = 0;
RA1 = 0;
RA2 = 0 ;
RA3 = 1;
PORTB = CF; // Select CF Digit
void main() {
CMCON |= 7; // Disable Comparators
TRISB = 0x00; // Set PORTB direction to be output
PORTB = 0x00; // Turn OFF LEDs on PORTB
TRISA0 = 0; // RA.0 to RA3 Output
TRISA1 = 0;
TRISA2 = 0;
TRISA3 = 0;
//--- main loop
do {
N_Flag = 0; // Reset Temp Flag
//--- perform temperature reading
OW_reset_pulse(); // Onewire reset signal
OW_write_byte(0xCC); // Issue command SKIP_ROM
OW_write_byte(0x44); // Issue command CONVERT_T
display_temp(DD0, DD1, DD2,CF) ;
OW_write_byte(0xCC); // Issue command SKIP_ROM
OW_write_byte(0xBE); // Issue command READ_SCRATCHPAD
// Next Read Temperature
// Read Byte 0 from Scratchpad
temp_value = OW_read_byte();
// Then read Byte 1 from Scratchpad and shift 8 bit left and add the Byte 0
temp_value = (OW_read_byte() << 8) + temp_value;
if (temp_value & 0x8000) {
temp_value = ~temp_value + 1;
N_Flag = 1; // Temp is -ive
if (temp_value & 0x0001) temp_value += 1; // 0.5 round to 1
temp_value = temp_value >> 1 ;
if (CF_Flag == 0) {
if (N_Flag ==1) {
temp_F = (32-9*temp_value/5)*10 + 6;
if (temp_F < 0){
temp_value = abs(temp_value);
else N_Flag = 0;
else temp_F = (9*temp_value/5+32)*10 + 6; //If decimal is greater or equal
// to 0.5, add 0.5
temp_value = (int)(temp_F/10);
CF = 12;
if (CF_Flag == 0xff) CF = 11;
DD0 = temp_value%10; // Extract Ones Digit
DD0 = mask(DD0);
DD1 = (temp_value/10)%10; // Extract Tens Digit
DD1 = mask(DD1);
DD2 = temp_value/100; // Extract Hundred digit
CF = mask(CF);
if (N_Flag == 1) DD2=10;
else if (DD2 == 0) DD2 = 13 ;
DD2 = mask(DD2) ;
CF_Flag =~CF_Flag;
} while (1);
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