Hello, I wanted to design a watchdog circuit for ESP-32.which can wait 15 minutes before sending RESET pulse to ESP-32.can anybody suggest me how can I do That?
You can design a watchdog timer circuit for the ESP32 that waits 15 minutes before resetting the ESP32 using a 555 timer, a microcontroller, or a watchdog timer IC.
You can configure 555 as a monostable multivibrator to generate a reset pulse after 15 minutes.
A small microcontroller like ATtiny85 or an Arduino Nano can act as a watchdog. The ESP32 must periodically send a signal (e.g., HIGH pulse every few seconds). If no signal is received for 15 minutes, the ATtiny85 will pull the ESP32 reset pin LOW.
If you don't wanna use a microcontroller, you can use a low-power watchdog timer IC like TPL5010 or MAX6369 instead. If you want to make a PCB for your system, here you can get some idea about the cost.
You can always use ESP32 to trigger its own reset with its WDT OR
But for external use an ATTINY85 and mBlock (to code) -
Note if you wanted to trigger the reset off a pin state or pulse width or V level or frequency thats
also trivial to do using block programming. Or use a combo of time and these other triggers.
Also you could easily add a check by this solution that ESP32 indeed did get reset, otherwise issue
another reset. Redundancy.....reliability.....have ESP32 set a pin or gen a V for pulser to confirm....
mBlock takes block code and converts to Arduino code as seen in right hand window. Use a Nano
or UNO board and Arduino, setup Nano/UNO as ISP, and program the Attiny85 with that.
A couple of more block type solutions for future consideration on other applications -
Often users, developers, hobbyists need timed and qualified event generators, many resorting to 555 timers and the like. The venerable 555 has had a long run but its limited in accuracy and capability. This approach uses block language to create...
Micro design has for years relied on ASM and C programming and other languages. Often many tasks are fairly simply but these tools were focused and quite a learning curve, especially ASM and C and C++. There are a number of new GUI based tools that essentially take out the "strong typing"...
Hello, I wanted to design a watchdog circuit for ESP-32.which can wait 15 minutes before sending RESET pulse to ESP-32.can anybody suggest me how can I do That?
Everything you need to put the ESP32 into deep sleep or wake from deep sleep at a given time can be done in software. Don't use the watchdog timers, use the dedicated wake and sleep functions. The WDTs are intended as watchdogs and better suited for monitoring the time certain processes take.
This tutorial shows how to put the ESP32 in deep sleep mode and wake it up with a timer after a predetermined amount of time. The ESP32 will be programmed with Arduino IDE.