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I own an EVOTEL ELCD32USB LCD TV (SAMSUNG GUTS). I was watching the TV last night when i heard a POP and the TV went off. I checked the fuse in the plug it was open circuit. The fuse was replaced and plugged the TV back in and the same POP happened straight away with the fuse blowing again.

The PSU (PT No E190219(c) or LK4180-001B) shown in attachment is fitted. I have looked at the capacitors and none show signs of blowing. The capacitors on the mother board also have no signs of blowing.

Please Help


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My guess is that either:

1. Shorted diode on the bridge rectifier
2. Chopper IC is blown

I am no expert on LCD TV. Nigel is.

I am sure he will reply shortly.

Presumably the PSU has 'blown up'?, however Samsung don't even supply circuits for them, you're supposed to replace the entire PCB.
There is no sign of burning or components smelling like they have blown. The fuse on the board and in the plug are both 5 ampand have both blown. Have manged to source an entrie board from shop jimmy

Thanks for your help
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