Facebook message under page in browser from this site

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I notice from time to time a message appears at the bottom of my browser where a script I suppose is going back to "read page Facebook.com" and wondered what was going on . Are you using a function or script on Facebook to do something on the site or is this some sort of security issue. Email me and I can tell you more about this.
Not sure . I have a line on my browser that updates as it does stuff. Goes from this site to that as the server gathers what it needs to serve the page . Its reading something from facebook ? I suppose it could be at the point it gets the facebook buttons but I don't know . It seems to hang there a bit and stall at times .
This is something I don't see. Can you provide a screen capture?

On second glance, there it is way at the bottom left corner of the screen.

Disregard the screen capture.
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Have you enabled "facebook integration" in your settings?? If you switch it off, is it better?
Could not find "facebook integration" however I don't have a "facebook assosciation" at all if thats what you mean

I guess from the post below thats a yes so my answer is no -Facebook not associated
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Have you enabled "facebook integration" in your settings?? If you switch it off, is it better?
Ian, is "facebook integration" something i can adjust on this site or on FB?

Here's a "snip" of the page right now:

Note the text. Looking at this thread, no one has "liked" any post as of yet. Hadn't really paid any attention to this before.
If you move your mouse over the tab with "Your Name" on it.. Click "External Accounts" then you can link your Facebook account!!
Thanks, Ian.

One of these days I might actually start looking at menu items with a little more scrutiny... .
The message I get which is often seen is " Read connect.facebook.net"
This is obviously a programming object with the dots indicating functions of the connect object so its definately going there to execute some script or other and hangs there often.

I have not given anybody permission to leave this page so whats going on please ?
Why on earth would anyone want to do that?

FB sucks. I do not live my life according to "likes" or whatever. Never been one to try and be popular in Social Media circles. I am what I am and that is that.

People here know how full of crap I am. Places like ETO give me freedom to discuss stuff and stay away from the inevitable outcome of doing the same thing on FB or Twitter....

Could you possibly imagine.....

I always call a spade a spade. I always make fun of myself when I screw up. Admittedly....not often...but it still happens.

No poise or grandness here at ETO....I mean alec 7442 posts later and you are still here and loving it.

If I try to call a spade a spade on Social Media.....I will be hit with replies from all the freaks that are way younger then me, canno't spell, think or ahhhh all the Political crap flying around.

This new "Generation" of people I see here in South Africa have their faces forever stuck in a frigging cellphone and texting...like Social Media is all they know...

Apart from the fact that I live opposite from a Bottle Store...right next to me is a place of learning...like they have students that gather outside here every day and all they do is stare into and type on their frigging cell phones....that's it. Social Media and likes are all that matter to them. Apparently not here only
you guys have similar problems too...students getting thicker and thicker. And dumber and dumber.

What happened to books. And studying. And standards. And goals. And every damn thing.

You know, my little light project I started in 2009, was supposed to try and help them. Built 3. Tested for 2 Years so far and never even a battery failure with the PP3. People ask me why am I not selling them...all I say is stupid is stupid. I have lost interest with trying to push my product. I have enough parts and boards to build another 15 for myself. I will enjoy and appreciate them one day...instead of trying to fix and remedy stupids.

Ignorant people you can still fix...always a way to do that. Stupid though is a waste of time. Especially "rich" stupid. Fuk em.

Sorry for the rant and sorry about taking this thread to hell and back

Gotta get it out.

FB sucks. I do not live my life according to "likes" or whatever. Never been one to try and be popular in Social Media circles. I am what I am and that is that.

You don't have a daughter do you?

Often it's the only way to know what they might be doing?, or have been doing?, or indeed what country they might be in?

Not that my daughter uses Facebook much, but it was the only reason I joined.

But as far as this thread goes, I never look low enough done the page to even see any mention of Facebook

Hello Nigel

You know a few things.....around two thousand posts ago...as a Newbie....I walked slap bang into you.
I did not know you from a bar of soap. The whole Posistor vs PTC thing..

As a newbie, I stood my ground. We sparred and chirped and so on.

That was in 2010. Nigel still gives me crap when I venture out and moan about TV's.......or stuff he knows that I don't....

Love it

Nigel is the anchor that keeps the ETO boat stable.

Higher praise than that I cannot give.

So OK connect.facebook.net takes you to facebook so something is going there or comming from there

Here is what you get when you embed a video on your page

So its an open door to masses of useable scripts . So What's i doing coming up on here? Anybody investigating security out there?

The music is not bad at all either
b.james, I have to admit that I haven't got a clue what you're seeing or referring to.

(I also have to admit I haven't a clue how to fix whatever you're seeing).
b.james, I have to admit that I haven't got a clue what you're seeing or referring to.

(I also have to admit I haven't a clue how to fix whatever you're seeing).
Hey how are you .
All browsers can show a command line usually down below that tells you what its doing right now . You can have it switched off if you want but I like to see where its going to get stuff to load onto the page .
It can also be used to load any script the page owner wants to load and can be tricked into loading malicious software too. If you hang your cursor over the icons bottom of the page it will tell you the name of the javascript each loads also.

So I wanted to bring it to whoever writes the pages or owns them that something is happening and ask should it be so?
As I said it hangs on my browser often and that may be because it is trying to run a program and can't on my Linux machine . Thats usually the sign of malware.

Strangely enough while I was reading that back myself my machine was telling me it was "Transfering data from pixel.facebook.com"
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I am not aware of the problem as described by b.james, but I have some other oddities which revolve around facebook.

Look at the attachment...

Sometimes when I page through multipage posts, when I try to page back to the main menu, as a "mouse over" the back and forward arrows at the top of the browser I get the "tool tips" as shown in the attachment.
When I click on a button which is announcing itself as back to facebook, nothing happens.
If I mouse over the forward button and then return to the back button, sometimes I will get another facebook reference, sometimes I will get the correct reference to where I WANT to go to.

The browser is an old version of Internet Explorer running in Win XP, a bit passé maybe, but it does what I want - most of the time!



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