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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Fairies Tales Made for Adults

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Tugging the hair at lower, back part of a woman’s head is an erogenous zone.

That is why it worked, to drag them by the hair, back to your cave.

I am afraid that, in general, the inverse happens in these days... but not by the hair :D
Back in the 70s, I also used to have these types of profound but purpose-less conversations, after smoking too much weed.

Of course, smoking weed would also give you munchies. One day, I could not resist the hunger anymore so I went to raid the fridge. It was completely empty, save for half a bottle of mayonnaise. Without thinking it twice, I ate the whole mayonnaise jar, as-is, with nothing else.

One of the most enjoyable dinners in my life.
One night, when I was about 15, I couldn't resist the hunger and there was nothing to eat while no one was in house. So, I started searching any piece of money which could be fallen from someone on ground. After about half an hour of search, I found a lost penny. At that time, I was able to buy a piece of bread with it. So, I went out looking for an open bakery. Fortunately, there was one at the center of the city. There, I waited my turn for another 15 minutes and, finally, I got my piece of bread.

It was the most delicious bread I ever ate.
When I hear a great speech in any country about how free speech is approved by its ruling system for its entire people, I would know I am just hearing one of the sky fairies fairy tales made for adults.

In reality, every ruling system around the world allows, even encourages, its powerless independent individuals (who usually form the majority) to be free in expressing/discussing in private, or in a limited environment (as in peaceful protests), whatever they have in mind. This helps the geniuses who serve the powerful rich heads in every region to know how to convince better the multitudes to be patient and still have hope of a brighter future (if necessary, by sacrificing one scapegoat, or more, as a solid proof). I am afraid that this subject is much more complicated than this simple picture because politics is somehow the oldest art known by humans and keeps evolving in big steps (By the way, I discovered that a rational study of how this art has been evolved with time till our days is not allowed to be discussed even in political forums :) ).

What I liked saying is that what is known as ‘the right of free speech’ in some countries is known elsewhere as ... no offend intended... “Let the dogs bark as long they cannot bite”. So, I personally enjoyed having the right of free speech since I was teen, because I, being used to be a neutral independent observer, was seen always... like one of the dogs that cannot bite :D
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I refer to sky fairies as theists (Gods). It's because I come from a mainly christian society.
It could just as easily be,
Wall fairies who mumble at walls,
Ground fairies who mumble at the floor,
Sky fairies, yes you've guessed, mumble at the sky.

You seem to be calling actual people sky fairies.
You seem to have completely misunderstood my statement, "I don't do sky fairies".
I meant I'm a complete atheist.

BTW, most of the other stuff you talk about I do not understand at all.

Thank you for clarifying the differences.
Therefore, I guess that I need to use again what I call 'fairy tales made for adults :) I wish there is a short for it.

I also come from a Catholic family, but I sound to any formal Christian (Catholic or else), besides any other theist (whose God is one of those offered on the world's table), just a new type of atheist. In brief, I, being a rational scientific man, see any ruling god (who is supposed to have a law to be imposed on today's humans) is simply a man-made one.

Whenever I heard an atheist and a theist arguing about the existence of God (or a god), I tried to ask them, as in any scientific study, how each of them defines the word 'God' or 'god'.
The theist replied somehow like: Sorry, isn't it a silly question? Then, he went on repeating all outstanding features of a supernatural being as a proof of the existence of an Ultimate Ruling King, called God.
The atheist replied somehow like: Sorry, isn't it a silly question? How can someone or something be defined if it doesn't exist in the first place?
They won and I left them while they keep enjoying their endless conversation.

politics is somehow the oldest art known by humans
Torches vs pitchforks.jpg
My question is, is religious talk allowed in the forum? In the forum rules under *polemics* religion is listed as #2
My question is, is religious talk allowed in the forum?
The quick and dirty answer is "probably not".

However, the discussion so far seems to have been quite general and philosophical (not that I have been scrutinising every single word), nobody has been overtly promoting their favourite religion (or lack of) to the exclusion of all others.

In which case, this moderator is happy to let the thread proceed on its merry way.
Others my have different opinions, we will see.

My question is, is religious talk allowed in the forum? In the forum rules under *polemics* religion is listed as #2
Please be more specific where I did wrong, so I can avoid later, as you seem saying, hurting people around here, if not also you, by mistake while I am sincere :(

Your reaction reminded me an unexpected experience I lived. During my military service (I was teaching electronics at a military academic as an officer of the lowest grade) a first assistant, close to the major General, managed to accuse me of something I didn't do in order to send me to a prison in the desert for one month. On the same day, the accusation was dropped (this has its own story). By curiosity, I liked to know from the first assistant the reason for which he did that to me. Without hesitation his reply was: "As an officer you broke the military rules. You respect and do good to all, including soldiers and even me. So, I liked giving you a military lesson, in the hard way, on how a military officer should be." Thanks to him, I became aware that being good (edited: and sincere) could be seen by some others as a crime which deserves to be punished. (Naturally, I had also similar experiences, but I guess the point is clear).
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I based my question on the Wiktionary and other places that give a meaning to the tread title. But then again I'm not a moderator. :)


sky fairy (plural sky fairies)

  1. (derogatory slang, possibly offensive) A god.
Synonyms: sky daddy; see also Thesaurus:god

You are right. My bad, I was ignorant what exactly the expression 'sky fairies' means till my sincere friend Pommie was kind and explained it to me.
I will try to replace all 'sky fairies' with 'fairy tales made for adults'.
The old “divide and conquer” strategy.

I am afraid that the best tactic to achieve this strategy, followed by the powerful rich World's Elite in every period of time, is teaching the peoples around the world various versions of history :(
Naturally, the heroes, the evil invaders and the victims are totally different in the stories of these versions. But a few people around the world have the chance to read/study more versions than their regional one.
The irony is that, when necessary, new versions of history could be written to let even the worst enemy of a country look as being its best ally and vice versa.
I better stop here. I talked too much already :(
Anyway, it is a gift that a material human enjoys a great feeling of being free every time he has the means to decide to follow a certain path (by executing a rather complex conditional branch instruction) in order to fulfill the role(s) for which he was brought into life.

The role of a cheep is to help in the survival of some other animals and humans.
The role of the material humans (those who perceive in them a living flesh only, guided by natural pre-programmed instructions/instincts as all other living things are) is to serve the world by building or destroying, if not both. But, unlike sheep, humans are not supposed being programmed for a common role in life. This may explain why, in general, humans are usually seen as being free creatures (by theists) or free things (by atheists), not pre-programmed beings :D
If I hear someone insisting that it is impossible for two separate living beings to become just one, I would know he didn’t discover yet how it was possible for him to exist in the first place and he is the fruit of two separate living cells, called in English...

If this is the case in the material world, one can imagine that two separate beings can also accept to have always the same will towards any outsider and to whom they look as if they were just one being. As an example in the material world, each of two partners who founded a company represents fully their company. A client knows in advance that contacting one of them is actually contacting both of them, their One Company.

Anyway, I wrote this while most members here may likely not get well what I try to say :) This is not due to lack of intelligence because, typically, every human around the world is intelligent. The reason is that humans have naturally different, if not opposite, interests to think of.
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