Fake, but still funny...

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New Member
I know this image is VERY old (i have seen it tons of time on the net), but i just got the sudden urge to post it here...as the site as been pretty dead lately, and i am board...

**broken link removed**
Reminds me of these two..


  • stupid1.jpg
    72.4 KB · Views: 423
  • forklift.jpg
    40.1 KB · Views: 1,832
Health and Safety at work!

To be honest, health and safety is getting crazy in the UK, I was talking to a builder the other day and he was telling me about a big site he was working on. Apparently there were more health and safety guys than builders!, and when he went to saw a piece of wood (with a hand saw) he was stopped, because they hadn't done a risk assessment on it yet!. It's become a total joke, making a mockery of what it's supposed to be about!.

It's become the permanent excuse for anything - sorry we can't do that!, we stopped doing that! - WHY? - health and safety reasons!.
Andy1845c said:
Reminds me of these two..
Both good ideas!

Health and saftey might be crazy but it certainly works, people have far more acidents at home than at work despite the fact that most people spend more waking hours at work thatn at home and there are often more dangers in the work place.,
Yeah, safety at work... Wonder why I still have a job. I break safety rules many times every day, and my supervisor is aware of it, and fortunately overlooks it. I can understand the point about me setting a bad example, and that people trying to mimic my actions, might not be physically able...
Woh... that last pic should be the same size as the first one... Oh well... i am lazy...

Here is the oops list... **broken link removed**
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