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Fearless actor or fearless idiot?

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I'm still trying to figure out if this shed/carpet/drapes thing is nothing but a big euphemism....
No it's true, let a women in your shed and she tidies it and sticks curtains up (so I been told)!

Or if your Posh with a very tidy bench, then you might have curtains ;). I might have curtains!!!! Will let you know when its tidy enough to see if there is some.
I'm taking shed to mean work shed and yes I know how a woman will take one over without a second thought.

If you have a workshed/man cave or whatever you want to call it defend it at all costs. Your sanity and the well being of everyone around you is at stake if you lose it. :(
you can hear young kids in the audience. The guy is an idiot, you can play with 120V DC apparently but 120V AC will kill you Hmm learnt something new today then:meh:.

10 car batteries to weld No one in the audience with UV glasses on I bet, and despite him saying dont look directly at it how many kids will go find 4-5 batteries and try to weld with them while staring directly at it? I caught a flash when first learning to weld, I didnt notice for 4-5 hours then boy did I suffer. My eyes shut tight streaming so badly it was all running out my nose!! Awful experience and was repeated last year when using a large pond UVA light
you can hear young kids in the audience. The guy is an idiot, you can play with 120V DC apparently but 120V AC will kill you Hmm learnt something new today then:meh:.

His basic facts are correct. The bodies ions realign at every voltage reversal with AC resulting in a lower electrical impedance, higher current and more power than the same equivalent DC voltage causing a slow migration of current across the body. He's not an idiot but what he does is really foolish at times.
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Ah you are forgetting some basics physics of light namely that the amount energy you are exposed to drops off significantly with distance. Plus there is exposure time as well.
Yeah my point was more about copying him and thinking its ok to look at the light or play with 120V DC without taking care. I think the welding at the end with all 10 batteries could affect you from a reasonable distance, certainly he was at risk had he done it much longer, but the point is still more for those that copy, had he used a screen and glasses then the younger members there would have been given a good message regardless if they were absolutely needed or not for that situation.

Same with no gloves on, stupidity when you have an audience. What you do alone is one thing, but it matters what you demonstrate to others. My dad was a good example, he never wore gloves with strong acids (with 2 exceptions) when in the lab alone, he swore that it was safer. But giving lectures etc he always wore every bit of applicable PPE, you know yourself tcm that the molted metal from that kind of 'welding' is white hot, it isnt hard for a younger kid to get hold of enough batteries to try it (When I lived on a farm they were everywhere!), I wouldnt want something I did copied and white hot metal blind a 10 year old. Would you?

Its ok being macho but these videos are stupidity, you look at it as an adult and forget the people most likely to watch and copy dont have your experience, ok a few burns give you experience but is it worth loosing an eye over? Personally I would ban him from general you tube and have them in the Adult only area.

Sorry spook i disagree, to me he is an idiot. Foolish would be doing it at home alone, showing kids how to do it is stupidity
I think you need a better hobby than surfing YouTube.

Go outside and play with something dangerous you are familiar with. It's where I am going! :p
Sorry spook i disagree, to me he is an idiot. Foolish would be doing it at home alone, showing kids how to do it is stupidity

You're looking at him and how he demonstrates danger with a western cultures eyes. Formal education and practice in areas outside modern western 'but what about the children' culture might look reckless today but when I was a kid in the 60's we had experiments with reactive chemicals, low explosives and stupidly dangerous electric devices in grade school or home with little supervision after a demonstration of what would happen if we screwed up. No, I don't see him as a fearless idiot or stupid when there are countless FAIL videos of real stupid idiots on YouTube.
when I was a kid in the 60's we had experiments with reactive chemicals, low explosives and stupidly dangerous electric devices in grade school
Amen to that.

Our grade school was a part of the college in our town. I remember (rather vividly) 10 or so of my classmates and I standing in a semicircle, end guy (NO girls) holding a big red wire, other end guy holding a black one. The wires came from this humongous wall panel PS with 1 foot wide dials, huge meters and AC and DC Sci Fi like SPDT knife switches. We were told nothing about what we were doing or why. I had an idea, but I was the only one with a clue. And I was unwilling to share it for fear of ridicule and punishment.

One of the teachers slowly turned up the juice and I rather quickly recognized the juice as AC (from a previous fail at hooking up a light bulb). The teach kept going up with the juice and finally one of us (probably me... :arghh:) let loose.

Big fun for the teachers. Lotta guffawing. Big rite of passage, or some BS. Nothing ever said about WHY. I did ask some of the others guys what they felt and got very different responses about the intensity of the sensation. Only learned later that people can generally (sort of) be put into two columns: Internal and External conductors. Of course, there are variations in conductance as well. So, not totally worthless. But...

My point? It was, no doubt, a form of child abuse. The teachers were **** heads for doing it. I can think of no justification for it.

LG has a point. It some idiot jumped off a cliff, in front of an audience of kids, and somehow survived with no obvious injuries, that's a justifiable demonstration?
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Reminds me of someone banned here several months ago who did a lot with LED signs.
Oh my I forgot about the signs, that was his dream. The funny thing was that where he was from everyone thought he was a genius!
LG has a point. It some idiot jumped off a cliff, in front of an audience of kids, and somehow survived with no obvious injuries, that's a justifiable demonstration?

If he jumped off a cliff to demonstrate the risk the man would be an idiot.

The problem I have with LG's point is the assessment of risk to him and others with his staged for electrical fireworks videos. People think nothing of driving a car because even if tens of thousands of people die yearly in accidents, the individual risk is low if you follow the rules and drive sanely. To demonstrate the possible results of risky driving we were shown gruesome films of dead peoples faces on the highway and today we demonstrate risk with videos of workers injured because of arc flash burns. Most of his videos IMO are designed to demonstrate risk in a way that people will remember and all but the truly stupid will try to avoid his hijinks with the proper consideration of safety rules to reduce the risks to an acceptable level.
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Apparently back in the 60's you could drive drunk, here in Scotland the alcohol limit has been lowered to the point you cant drink anything and drive. Which is the safer approach?
So then the argument becomes...back in the 60's we didnt have as many cars on the road so it was safer, or the cars didnt go as fast so we could it. The real truth is the number of deaths per 1000 drivers has dropped by a significant amount since drink drive rules were lowered and enforced more in the UK (from the 60's).

Back in recent history (I dont know exactly when) you could drive a car with no seat belt apparently, then they brought out a law you had to wear one while driving, the number of deaths and serious injury declined as a result. The problem with you tube is you never hear about the people who got hurt trying to do what was in a vid.

In the 60's you didnt have the internet, so what you learnt was from trying or watching. I am willing to bet people started small and worked up. now in the UK I doubt you have ever been allowed to play with explosives (I have no idea), but please dont attempt to tell me the first ever big bang you made was a high explosive! My point being there is a certain amount of self limitation when it comes from your own head. Today with the internet you can watch 100 odd videos in a day showing people making HE, but there is another site where you can go and watch the vids where it went wrong and kids my age loose a hand. Its funny that those vids are not normally allowed on you tube.

My dad in the lab with acids, he said he concentrated more with no gloves and worked slower, he also demonstrated and pointed out that the acids he didnt use gloves with could be got on the skin and washed off quickly with no harm. He always wore gloves with demonstrations and when handling Hydrofluric (conc) and I forget the other Acid but neither are common anyway. I 'play' with chemicals etc etc and most my life I was on a farm (here is like a farm without all the animals), sure I did/do stupid things and play with things I shouldnt. But I dont seem to take the risks that some of my classmates take. I dont know why, maybe because I have been allowed freedom and maybe I got that freedom from being sensible.

I was often allowed to do things maybe I shouldnt, but my dad was always about when I did things and normally he made sure I was safe. I have been able to drive a car since I was 10, it was handy on the farm and where we lived I could drive 2 miles in the landrover on the back lanes or over fields with no fear of seeing the police, I could go to the nearest shop in a car (I did once and only once when I was 12). One day on the farm I drove the landrover down over the field to drop something off for my dad, on the way back a chicken appeared from nowhere and I killed it. I guess I was complacent I dont really know what happened but even now it makes me think what if that had been a person.

I watch alot of chemistry videos made by a university, they do alot of stuff I would consider very dangerous, but you never see them take risks and you always see them with the proper equipment. If you watched the second vid near the end he tries to weld with 10 batteries, its clear from the volume of sparks he is producing more than enough UV to harm the eyes or get skin burn, ok I except he dosnt do it long enough to get sunburn and probably had his eyes shut. But nowhere in the video does he mention safety or how long you can make those sparks without serious damage, worse still he describes the blobs of molten metal on the floor as cool and pretty, you also hear him burn himself a few times. Does he mention gloves? does he mention what 1 single tiny bit of white hot metal would do to your eye?

Call it whatever you want, be as macho as you want. But to a 15 year old kid it looks stupid simple as that, now if you see it differently or it gets your goolies tingly great for you and I genuinely hope you stay lucky.
One last point....4pyros on your energetic forums how many people go cold when you mention acetone peroxide? Go look at you tube and on there is videos by a kid in india who shows you how to make it, he squeezes it in aluminum foil by hand and sets it off, around 500mg a time. he stopped posting vids last year, apparently one of his videos went wrong.
Call it whatever you want, be as macho as you want. But to a 15 year old kid it looks stupid simple as that, now if you see it differently or it gets your goolies tingly great for you and I genuinely hope you stay lucky.

Your reaction is exactly what he wants. Study a little psychology and don't be so quick to judge by first impressions.

I didnt find the video, the reason I didnt find it is because I dont go looking for crap like that. He aint going to make money out of my subscriptions so maybe I think the way he wants but at least those that fall for the psychology get the last laugh because we dont subscribe or watch his vids. Hows that for reverse psychology?
One last point....4pyros on your energetic forums how many people go cold when you mention acetone peroxide? Go look at you tube and on there is videos by a kid in india who shows you how to make it, he squeezes it in aluminum foil by hand and sets it off, around 500mg a time. he stopped posting vids last year, apparently one of his videos went wrong.
There are lots of stupid videos on youtube, some very dangerous like taping explosives to the end of a sledgehammer and smashing it onto a steel plate. Some would say it's just another form of natural selection. LOL
Your reaction is exactly what he wants. Study a little psychology and don't be so quick to judge by first impressions.

Sure he has a target audience in mind. I hope I am not considered part of it.

All that so theatrical acting to convey "don't do this"? Do you connect a micro directly to 50V DC just to later explain "well, don't do that, it requires only 3,3V"? Absurd way misleading people upfront.

If you bring me to a training session of whatever and you do anything like that I would feel insulted. More or less like those videos of the professor in MIT (forgot his name, now dismissed) who used to swing a big pendulum across the room to explain the subject.

Psychology you say? If you need all that show, are you sure you are not better offering additional fries somewhere?

If you watch them just for fun, OK; I find them boring. Clowns, I started finding them pathetic since I was a young kid. There are better ways of using my time, even wasting it.

I tend to steer away of videos most of the time but, with exception of one (very long and very useful) from Dave in Australia, the only ones I found worth the time, concise and to the point are those by Alen (W2AEW). And thanks God, I understand 99% of what he says. I recommend them warmly.
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