Feeling bore

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New Member
Hi all,

I feel bore. I just finished my simple 5 phase motor tester by using MC68HC908GP32. For the moment, I can make the motor turn clock wise and anti-clock wise. I need to learn more programming in order to add more function to it. However, I seem to lose my interest. It may be due to Christmas time.
5 phase? You mean a stepper motor? They're seldom called '5 phase' motors. If you want something to do you have to have a project. The boredom you're talking about is from not having a goal. So you have a 5 phase motor tester? So what? What's the motor gonna do? You have to have something to do before you can have the desire to do something =>
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Well...there is always Art History.
For the moment, I can make the motor turn clock wise and anti-clock wise. I need to learn more programming in order to add more function to it. However, I seem to lose my interest. It may be due to Christmas time.
Well it sounds like you need to make a motion activated Santa that shakes his fist at people passing and says something very un-PC..... Just add a IR motion sensor, DAC and speaker to your project and a little more code.
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My ex-wife used to spend uncounted hours doing needlework. Perhaps you should check it out.
Papabravo said:
My ex-wife used to spend uncounted hours doing needlework. Perhaps you should check it out.

And the former Mrs Papabravo would say:

My ex-husband used to spend uncounted hours playing with those wires and things. Perhaps you should check it out.

JimB said:
And the former Mrs Papabravo would say:

My ex-husband used to spend uncounted hours playing with those wires and things. Perhaps you should check it out.


My ex used to call them wires with bits of glass on!! My current doesn't have a name for them, she just sweeps em up like regular dust.

Yes, you're right. I meant 5 phase stepper motor. I used to deal with 2 or 4 phase stepper motors with IC SAA1024. The idea of using micro-processor to control a 5 phase stepper motor is from this forum.

Yes, I need something to burn up my desire.
t.o. said:
Yes, I need something to burn up my desire.

Build a machine that does needlework via the stepper motor, while sweeping up wires with glass bits on them and facilitating the function of a wife...
JimB said:
And the former Mrs Papabravo would say:

My ex-husband used to spend uncounted hours playing with those wires and things. Perhaps you should check it out.

How did you know?! Are you psychic or sumthin?
Actually it was:
"...spend uncounted hours down in your hole..."
(my office, lab, and computer were in the basement)
to which my reply was:
"those uncounted hours supported your needlework store that went belly up....Beyotch"!
theinfamousbob said:
Build a machine that does needlework via the stepper motor, while sweeping up wires with glass bits on them and facilitating the function of a wife...
Could you show me the way of facilitating the function of a wife via stepper motor?
kchriste said:
Well it sounds like you need to make a motion activated Santa that shakes his fist at people passing and says something very un-PC..... Just add a IR motion sensor, DAC and speaker to your project and a little more code.
It sounds great. As I learnt that you are in Victoria, I was there many years ago. Victoria is the most beautiful place in Canada as I re-called. I remembered girls on the bicycles and old folks feeding birds etc. I like the sea view there near the university of Victoria. Life is beautiful there.
theinfamousbob said:
Horray automatic censor!
What automatic sensor? I thought it was a partially hip, semi-appropriate term which has yet to work it's way into common usage. In another 6 mo. I'll probably have to replace one or more letters with stars.

So could we have a ruling from a moderator? Is it acceptable to call one's ex a BEYOTCH?
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