For the purposes of suppression of ringing and VHF parasitics, I would presume that the 10 ohm resistor would provide the majority of effect. This might also reduce resonant/ringing if whatever is driving it (say, a transformer) has the tendency to do so when terminated with a highly capacitively reactively load such as the gate of a FET. A lot of series resistance would imply that one needs not have a particularly fast rise time - such as on a switching converter.
About a year ago I had the (dis)pleasure and puzzlement of experiencing instability on a linear supply that several paralleled FETs as the active element of a series high-compliance current sink. The "giveaway" was that the voltage versus position of the setting for maximum current was inconsistent - plus the fact that the 100 MHz 'scope showed some "fuzz".
After cranking the sweep rate of the 'scope all of the way up - and then grabbing a frequency counter and holding it near the FETs - I was surprised to observe that these chunky FETs, with many 10's of nF of gate capacitance, were oscillating between 100 and 150 MHz. Having identified that, a whack on the forehead and a little bit of series resistance in each of their gate leads - 100 ohms or so, as that value was at hand - completely tamed the problem.
To be sure, I should have known better to omit the resistors in indvidual the gate leads (previously there had been one for all of the FETs) but I would have not guessed that plain, ordinary, cheap N-channel power FETs would have done anything at that frequency, let alone burn up 10's of watts!
Considering the feedback path (high intrinsic capacitance between FETs' terminals) coupled with the heavy, low inductance board traces and the parasitic reactances of the FETs themselves, I can kind of see what was happening and that just a few ohms of extra impedance of any kind on the gate lead may have quashed the problem before it began by removing that route of low-impedance coupling. I could also envision on a switching supply a similar thing happening with the rather high capacitances of driving/output windings parasitically coupling things together that one wouldn't otherwise think were "coupled" leading to untoward signal paths as well.
On a very simple circuit with a single FET, the one caveat that comes to mind in directly driving a FET is that some (e.g. op amps, some microcontrollers) do not like highly capacitive loads and a series resistor is indicated. A similar warning could conceivably be given where the FET's load could somehow be reflected back into the gate itself (e.g. Miller/gate-drain/gate-source capacitance and/or a protective device on the gate) and mess up the driving circuitry - but that is less likely to happen.