Find your passion early

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, it is the willingness to push oneself beyond pain.

Well I agree, I just took a nice long hike for the first time in months; oh and I was surprised I could barely make it up the rocky mountain(which I have conquered easily before), but I kept going. Now I have a really sore back and knees, but it was worth the good exercise.

The 'stream' there in the park was just a little trickle before, but now it is like 4ft deep, and it was gushing fast. And after almost 72 hr. of constant rain, we are going to get some more tomorrow, hope there is no flooding :S

With a bit of hard work comes stronger muscles and a stronger heart.

Final update, I graduated from the Fire Academy today So one last pic. I would like to post other pics but I must observe other classmates right to privacy...
Now all I need is to get hired...

BTW pic below is a type 3 engines (We call apparatus) The big engines are type 1.
CNF stands for Cleavland National Forest.


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Well done Mike, I'm very happy with your efforts and I'm sure it will put a big smile on your face when you get the job,

Cheers Bryan
Do firemen get chased by the ladies over there as well?, I don't know if it's the uniforms but over here firemen are very attractive to the female population.
Well, ever since I attended EMT (Emergency Medical Tech)class, Fire academy, and 9 months of job rejection letters, I finally landed a job with a privately contracted fire/rescue agency. Just spent the last 5 days in a intensive confined space rescue course. If your wondering what that is all about, here is a you tube link to give you some idea.

Attached is an image of one of our ambulance rescue rigs. Our fire rigs are off site right now getting retrofitted so I can't send a pic of one.

It is official, I now can call myself a fire/rescue/EMT.

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hi Mike,
Well done and well deserved, glad you held the dream.

On March 27th 2011 Mike wrote:
Now all I need is to get hired...

Well here we are a short 8 months later with the dream realized. Congratulations Mike on hanging in there.

Now personally when a disaster strikes myself and most people choose to begin to distance themselves from the disaster, not fire and rescue, then choose to run towards it. I think all you guys need professional help.

Congratulations again and glad you are doing what you really wanted to do!

hi Mike,
Well done and well deserved, glad you held the dream.

Thanks Eric, nice of you to say...

Thanks Ron, you know what they say, "Only difference between a kid and a firefighter is the size of their Apparatus"

Just to clarify Apparatus is what we call a fire engine...
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I spent the day today running low angle rescue drills up in the mountains of San Diego. It was pretty cool. Here is a pic of one of the fire rigs at the station I was at.

Thanks to Eric for adding my badge number to my Avatar. Cool touch

Around this time a year ago, I was doing pushups and getting yelled at by my instructors in the Fire academy. It is really neat to see it pay off. This thread sorta documents my whole journey...
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