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Fixing Monitors and TV Sets

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Sony KV 25XBR side speakers

To any of you that have non-working XBR's... I need a set of working speaker units (right and left). Everything, even the large thumb screws. I took the entire units off years ago because I was using my home theater and now can't find them and want to give the TV, which still works great BTW, to my girlfriend, but need to attach the speakers. Anyone got a pair? Thanks!
Sony XBR speakers

Have you tried your local electronics recycler? Your jurisdiction must have an electronics recycling depot, or local paper advertises someone selling a working unit. Do you want them shipped C.O.D.?
Hadn't tried that yet. Stumbled upon this forum and thought I'd try here first. Not clear from your msg. Do you you have a pair? If so, how much and where are you? I'm in Los Angeles. Thanks
The heatsinks were STEEL not aluminum and the thermal grease was all dried up and useless (the TV was 8 yeras old). I replaced the parts and used new thermal grease and the TV worked! For 1 week then the same parts failed again.

another thing that can cause this is the bypass cap on the power supply side of the horizontal driver transformer. once the cap dries out, the waveform on the secondary that goes to the base of the horizontal output gets distorted and the horizontal output transistor runs hotter than normal, until it can't stand the heat anymore and *poof*. sometimes there is also an electrolytic coupling cap between the output transistor and the driver. these get dried out and cause the same problem.
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