Fluoresent rainbow screen Westinghouse LT-27w6

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New Member
Hi Everyone,
I have a Westinghouse LT-27w6 that intermitently is displaying a rainbow type distortion of the colors. I replaced the power supply and the symptom went away, only to remanifest itself about 12 hours later.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Does the screen look like this?

Check the cable that goes from the Main PCB to the LCD controller PCB and make sure it is not loose, check the solder connections on the jacks that the cable plugs into on both the Main and LCD controller board, the LCD controller PCB is very static sensitive so be very careful.Check for bad solder connections on the Main PCB and check all the electrolytics with an ESR meter, Look very carefully for bad solder connections on the LCD controller PCB, always use a magnifier to look for bad connections some times you can't see really bad ring cracks with your bare eyes.

There's a start for you......


  • lcd.jpg
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