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For good reasons - towel heads?

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Well I thought it was funny. :D

I even told it to a few people today as well.
They thought it was funny too! (One preacher included).:eek:

I am glad my butt is not as politically sensitive as some people tend to be. Otherwise I would probably need a 'special cream' or something.:rolleyes:

Keep em comming Boncuk! :)

I guess I've poked into a wasp nest, which only few people are aware of.

Islamic people are spreading out at a tremendeous speed all over Europe and other countries in the world.

They don't have the intention to adapt to the country they are living in, but demand all the service possible for their support - being paid by tax money.

In the meanwhile some of them have reached the point to try determining the political direction their host country is going.

This absolutely no reason to smile, laugh or giggle!

All what the "towel heads" have in mind is converting the entire world population to muslemic believe and gain power over our entire globe that way.

Those who are not willing to convert get bombed until they believe or die. A single man's life counts nothing compared with the great goal.

I hope I have made clear the purpose of this post now.

And yes, tcmtech I watch "em comming", very closely.

RUUUN BONCUK!!! :eek: avalanche of sensitive people and moderator warnings, coming fast at 6' o clock!

A good fighter pilot always has his 6'o clock position clear!
Well, when I saw to original post I had a good old chuckle!
I then thought to myself "how long before this thread is dumped and the OP is banned?"

Having travelled around to various countries on business, I ask myself "would I want to come here for a holiday?" and in many cases the answer I give myself is "no way!".

Islamic people are spreading out at a tremendeous speed all over Europe and other countries in the world.

In the meanwhile some of them have reached the point to try determining the political direction their host country is going.


I agree with you, but not only limited to Muslim people. Any numerous ethnical group IS GOING TO cause that problems (example: MS13, latin gangs in Usa and Europe, etc). I'm not saying cultures are good or bad, is just a numerical fact (ok let's face it, I hate that gangs. But any other culture is fine for me)

My mother says something translated as "Who is in peace, should not be disturbed". If your culture says that having sex with your grandma or your pet is a way to clean the soul, good for you. But please:
1) Stay at your contry, where the practice is approved and done without restrictions.
2) If that's not feasible, try to interact with people who thinks the same as you, and execute your rituals far from other people who doesn't share them (that includes out of their visual / auditive range).

If you are a woman and hate the idea of Burqas, please select another travel destination. If you cannot live with the capitalist lifestyle, well, that's harder to fix, but there are also some destinations for you. If you cannot live with the rules and culture of the country where you are living, go to another one. Don't try to change it, if that land is not yours.
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Menticol the problem with that is with a xenophobic society isolation is usually not passive to the point of isolation, typically a 'get them before they get us' mentality emerges rather than a live and let live one.
Of course Sceadwian, my point is just theoretical. In real world nobody respects that, and operate under (as my mother calls it) "Funnel Law": Everything should come to me, and for my benefit.

Maybe the exception is on small ultra-advanced-extra-civilized countries in Europe, but I've heard that everything there is so perfect, that people commit suicide to fix their boredoom.

About cultural conflicts, when they are fueled by land disputes, money or drugs, I consider them like chinese TV sets: Damaged beyond repair. The only thing that may fix them is an asteroid hiting the ground. Nobodys fault. No one can use that land anymore, the symbols of both sides are burned, and everything should be remade from scratch.

My sadly favorite example:
File:West Bank & Gaza Map 2007 (Settlements).png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Papabravo, now you're just massively over reacting.
Did it occur to you that the term towel head isn't even pejorative in the first place? If you look at it from an unemotional simple word stand point the term towel head is perfectly descriptive of what people see. If you've seen a picture of a women with a towel wrapped around her head and then you looked at someone in a Burka they quiet visually similar (mind you one or the other is gonna have better looking legs) The terms black and white are still used commonly to refer to Caucasians and African Americans, and most people don't make a huge fuss about that unless it's used in an inappropriate joke with the the stereo types implied. To get so emotional over a set of words like that is pointless, especially if no malice is intended. The original joke was more a poke at the idiocy of the massive media slant to be 'politically correct' and really had no intended malice towards people that wear burkas unless you somehow implied incorrectly that any such use of those words instantly makes the conversation they were used offense to someone. I'm sure people in the middle east have more than one word or phrase they use to describe Americans that don't even entirely positive connotations with it.
Papabravo, now you're just massively over reacting.

Papabrave has been banned for 72 hours for his unacceptable behaviour - moderators receive ALL complaints about threads, and there have been NONE about this one. If Papabravo couldn't be bothered to press a button to make a complaint, he hasn't made one.
A religious or political concept and its followers are spreading over the planet and forcing their ideas and beliefs on the locals despite the locals protests and attempts to stop it from happening. And when they do try to attempt to rise up and stop it then war or some form of conflict arises that further raises tensions and thusly causes more unrest and more problems still. :(

So how many times has this happened now in recorded history and how many of us belong to one of those religious and or political beliefs systems who have exactly done what some other religion or political system is now doing to them???? :eek:

Its great when your the invading mass but it sucks when you become the invaded! :D

Learn your history, learn how to be compassionate and considerate to others, and most of all learn that sometimes what ultimately happens in your collective society really does come down to what you considered to be 'not my responsibility' is in fact yours and everyone around you's responsibility after all or you will be forced to learn it from someone else's perspective and point of views! ;)
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How many times tcmtech? It's never stopped occurring, and it's a WHOLE lot more complex than that simple explanation you gave, it's not individuals involved anymore, hasn't been since before the tribal stage of civilization, groups run things now not individuals, also it's not all bad for the invaded, mind you from their standpoint it could seem that way, as it's impossible for that kind of social reconstruction to occur without some of it imprinting on the 'attacking force' a primary example is Christianity, I'd say the bulk majority of Christian holidays and much of it's dogma and practices aren't original to Christianity per say but have actually been slowly siphoned off from all the groups that it's managed to convert over the years.
As far as learning history goes that's a good idea, but remember, history is written by the winners of a conflict, and time muddies histories water to the point where we quiet honestly can not EVER really know what occurred in the past. We can at best make approximations, some better than others. Also in any conflict war or social the side under attack is always going to try to pain the side being attacked in as poor a light as possible, and vice versa, so in the end it all really doesn't matter who was originally right or wrong because in the end all the will be left is the conflict and distorted shadow of what really occurred. The first thing a person that has an opinion on a subject should do is challenge that opinion themselves, as that's the only way you're going to get anywhere, challenging someone elses opinion or trying to force it on them just destroys the whole thing.
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Welcome to the human race =)
Doh... I was afraid of that! :D
I'd say the bulk majority of Christian holidays and much of it's dogma and practices aren't original to Christianity per say but have actually been slowly siphoned off from all the groups that it's managed to convert over the years.

Aren't they all? - I thought all 'Christian' dates were simply copied from the older pagan religions?. Just swapping one bogus group syphoning money and goods from the populace for a different one.
Aren't they all? - I thought all 'Christian' dates were simply copied from the older pagan religions?. Just swapping one bogus group syphoning money and goods from the populace for a different one.

Zeitgeist! :D
By the way, nice movie to see, but has many historical errors (Someone described it as Davinci Code with Steroids)
Christianity is still kind of new, compared to the creation, and all the major miracles of the old testament. Wouldn't certain facts, knowledge and wisdom, basic truths remain the same throughout. Don't believe plagiarism applies to religion, or was even invented back then (no lawyers). Religion has a place and purpose, depends on how it's used. It does a good job of teaching morality, gives people a sense of right and wrong, consequences for the choices we make. Some use it to get rich, or powerful. Haven't figured it out yet, but some are even able to use it to convince people that strapping on a bombing, and killing themselves and many others, is a good thing. The heaven/hell stuff, guess I'll find out when I get there.
Did I miss something? Other than stating an opinion, I did not read anything from Papa Bravo that justified banning him. I don't get it!
I personally try to keep religion and theism in general out of my thinking. I used to think I believed in God, and then I thought I was an Atheist. It took me a long time to realize that I'm actually Agnostic.
While I most definitely do not believe in God as an entity even possibly related to humans directly I won't refute the possibility of a higher consciousness' existence, one of which I am not directly aware and from that level of abstraction am unable to be aware of.

Agnostic Definition | Definition of Agnostic at

Pretty much sums it up. Anyone that jumps on a bandwagon and defines something concretely is doomed forever to know nothing else, and so they're closing their world to possibilities that could enrich their lives.
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