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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Free Energy Generator

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Exactly. This is what i meant. Convert water into 100% energy. Convert a stone into energy. Take it as a challenge :D

ROFLMAOL. Be careful while walking, bypass energy clouds.

You are walking on a cloud of energy right now, it is in the form of mass and we call it the planet Earth.

Be careful while posting, bypass silly replies. ;-)
This looks like a challenge for Bing-Bang theory.

TheBuzz told and what I understood:
'since the mass is not destroyed , the energy released is overunity and it is bouncing in the universe, converted into mass thus MASSout>MASSin enlarges earth and thereby other planets so the universe. Freely bouncing energy on space will naturally be condensed into mass creating planets and other space matters and the process continues. Nuclear fusion in the sun releases overunity of energy that has created our solar system in this way.'

Remember that is making a lot of profit over you kind of people.
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This looks like a challenge for Bing-Bang theory.

TheBuzz told:
'since the mass is not destroyed , the energy released is overunity and it is bouncing in the universe, converted into mass thus MASSout>MASSin enlarges earth and thereby other planets so the universe. Freely bouncing energy on space will naturally be condensed into mass creating planets and other space matters and the process continues. Nuclear fusion in the sun releases overunity of energy that has created our solar system in this way.'

Remember that is making a lot of profit over you kind of people.

It does get any lower than this. You just wrote "TheBuzz told:" and then placed quote marks around something that I did not write. That is some idiotic thing that YOU created and not at all a reflection of what I wrote.

That is a smear, a tort and illegal under the Cyberstalking and harassment laws.

Cyberstalking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The behavior includes false accusations..
I will report this to admin as such.

Why does the idea that E-MC2 bother you to such a degree that you resort to lies and smear?

You should be banned. Why is it that the science of energy conversion and mass transmutation cannot be discussed absent of your magical thinking based in rabid belief?

If you don't understand what is being discussed, then just move on. But it isn't about science with people like you, it is about winning and even if you have to break the law to do it. That is not science.

There is a difference between free energy and stolen energy. Most people get that.
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Your research and discussions are not based on current laws and theories in modern Science. A free energy generator will not get any patent. That proves it.

Yea, people have been researching on getting the difference between a free energy,stolen energy and ordinary energy since hundreds of years. Wish you all the best.

By The Way my GF is calling and I'm going for researching on getting some 'free energy' from her. Cheers and lemme enjoy the life!
Your research and discussions are not based on current laws and theories in modern Science. A free energy generator will not get any patent. That proves it.

Yea, people have been researching on getting the difference between a free energy,stolen energy and ordinary energy since hundreds of years. Wish you all the best.

By The Way my GF is calling and I'm going for researching on getting some 'free energy' from her. Cheers and lemme enjoy the life!

Actually they are and actually they do. I just referenced two PHD's and there are plenty of overunity patents and all you have to prove it to the patent office by demonstrating it with a device.

Final thought - You managed to somehow ignore the largest man made energy release on Earth - a 50MT hydrogen bomb fusion explosion. You are in no position to lecture anyone on "current laws and theories in modern science."

Don't ever respond to a post I make again transistor495. Posting a fake quote is lower than anything I ever experienced at You bring into question the integrity of this website and the users that participate in it.
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Sonoluminescence is one of the effects. Why would you use a terd going down a drain to describe what is happing in a toilet tank?

TheBuzz wrote:
When I Google pistol shrimp sonofusion I get 198 hits.

When I get to the tenth listing I click on the hyperlink **broken link removed**:

It states this in the article:

And this...:

Now if you needed to go to wiki to learn E=MC2, which by the way makes my case, and you needed me to google that for you, then you once again make my case.

Hero999 wrote:
The total mass of the particles produced by a nuclear reaction is always less than before the reaction took place. This is actually true for all exothermic chemical reactions, it's just the mass loss is too small to measure, i.e. if you burnt a ton of natural gas (CH4) with exactly the right amount of oxygen for it to burn completely, the CO2 and H2O generated would weigh slightly less than the CH4 and O2 did before the reaction took place.

It is not a chemical reaction, hence the term sonoFUSION.
It doesn't matter whether it's a chemical reaction or a nuclear reaction, the mass energy equivalence still applies, it's just that it only becomes measurable for extremely exothermic reactions i.e. neuclear reactions.

Hero999 wrote:
Even if such phenomena generate nuclear reactions then if they can't be harnessed it's totally useless.

They can, they have been and they are. Did you notice the Papp demonstration? The gray tube? Just two examples of harnessing that two different ways.
Yes I did but unlike you I don't believe everything I find on the Internet.

Hero999 wrote:
If people have managed to harness this then why aren't there nitrogen power stations all around the world?

And don't give me that conspiracy theory nonsense about the oil companies suppressing sich a technology, if the oil companies were that powerful they would have been able to censor the debate about anthropogenic climate change by now.

Just because you can't use google, does mean there is no google. Just because you have reading comprehension difficulties, does not mean the entire Earth is functionally illiterate.
Of course I don't believe everything I read on Google which clearly makes me illiterate and inferior to people like you who believe everything they see on the Internet.:rolleyes:

Google has a capital G by the way.

Keep the insults coming, it only demonstrates how intelligent and articulate you are.:rolleyes:
I hope you realise I'm being sarcastic.
Anthropogenic climate change? Last time I checked:

They don't care what you debate, it is already a done deal. Now pay your carbon tax so the new global government (NWO - the 7th objective) can afford a international military force made of believer zombies to enforce the will of the neocons upon you. Most mind controlled zombies wouldn't have it any other way.

I am sure you are more qualified that Dr. Crum and Dr. Richard T. Lahey and many others.

Insert flushing sound here.
I don't fully buy into the climate change science but yet again you seemed to have missed the point that if the oil companies were powerful enough to censor free energy then they would have also stopped the government from collecting carbon taxes.

Notice how the oil companies haven't stopped the following alternative sources of energy:

  • Wind
  • Hydroelectric
  • Nuclear
  • Solar
  • Tidal

If someone discovered free energy, then the oil companies would be more likely to invest in it than destroy it.
It doesn't matter whether it's a chemical reaction or a nuclear reaction, the mass energy equivalence still applies, it's just that it only becomes measurable for extremely exothermic reactions i.e. neuclear reactions.

Yes I did but unlike you I don't believe everything I find on the Internet.

Of course I don't believe everything I read on Google which clearly makes me illiterate and inferior to people like you who believe everything they see on the Internet.:rolleyes:

Google has a capital G by the way.

Keep the insults coming, it only demonstrates how intelligent and articulate you are.:rolleyes:
I hope you realise I'm being sarcastic.

I don't fully buy into the climate change science but yet again you seemed to have missed the point that if the oil companies were powerful enough to censor free energy then they would have also stopped the government from collecting carbon taxes.

Notice how the oil companies haven't stopped the following alternative sources of energy:

  • Wind
  • Hydroelectric
  • Nuclear
  • Solar
  • Tidal

If someone discovered free energy, then the oil companies would be more likely to invest in it than destroy it.

It doesn't matter whether it's a chemical reaction or a nuclear reaction, the mass energy equivalence still applies, it's just that it only becomes measurable for extremely exothermic reactions i.e. neuclear reactions.

Really... Why don't you light 1 liter of hydroxy (chemical) and then fuse an equal amount (not chemical) and let me know how that worked out for you.

The chemical reaction results in a nice bang and water production. That non-chemical reaction results in a flash of light and a blast wave that travels at 5 million meters per second. Assuming a 100% efficient - all mass converted to energy and no water produced. BTW - That flash of light would be the last thing you see in this life.

Notice how the oil companies haven't stopped the following alternative sources of energy:

  • Wind
  • Hydroelectric
  • Nuclear
  • Solar
  • Tidal

If someone discovered free energy, then the oil companies would be more likely to invest in it than destroy it.

You missed hydrogen, geothermal and a bunch of others and BP owns much of the intellectual property for hydrogen. Look who owns the stock and intellectual property rights.

In 1850, about 90% of the energy consumed in the United States was from renewable energy resources. Now the United States is heavily reliant on the non-renewable fossil fuels: coal, natural gas, and oil. In 2005, about 6% of all energy consumed, and about 9% of total electricity production was from renewable energy sources.

Watch "Who killed the electric car" for a textbook example.

There is a federal law that prevents an electric car from exceeding 25MPH to make sure they are never produced, for another example...

Google has a capital G by the way.
Keep the insults coming, it only demonstrates how intelligent and articulate

Wow, you spotted a missing capitol G. Genius...

BTW - You mis-spelled "neuclear" again. I think before you start handing out pop mini lectures on the differences between a chemical reaction and an atomic or nuclear reaction, you should know how to spell the word and understand the difference between chemical, nuclear and atomic.

As always, your ignorance is matched only by your belligerence.
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Mr. Buzz, you have been making a big to do about something, about what I have no idea. What exactly is your point here? In laymen terms...
A master of a craft is able to explain the craft in simple terms. So put away the thesaurus.

I still like that word pedantic though.
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Really... Why don't you light 1 liter of hydroxy (chemical) and then fuse an equal amount (not chemical) and let me know how that worked out for you.

The chemical reaction results in a nice bang and water production. That non-chemical reaction results in a flash of light and a blast wave that travels at 5 million meters per second. Assuming a 100% efficient - all mass converted to energy and no water produced. BTW - That flash of light would be the last thing you see in this life.
Please expand a bit more, what reactions are you talking about?

You seemed to have missed my point which is that E = mc² applies to all reactions not just nuclear reactions whether they be neuclear or chemical. This is down to the mass-energy equivalence, as you give a system more energy it gains mass and as you take energy away from a system it looses mass.

Most nuclear reactions don't actually convert any particles to energy, the number of particles left afterwards is exactly the same as before, the difference is a huge amount of energy has been lost so all the particles effectively have less mass than before.

Particles don't disappear and get converted to energy; the only way to accomplish this is to annihilate them with anti-matter which itself takes a lot of energy to produce.

Look at the animation of Deuterium and Tritium fusing to form helium, notice how there are just as many protons and neutrons before and after the reaction?

**broken link removed**

Where's all the mass gone?

None of it's vanished into thin air.

What's happened is Deuterium and Tritium have fused together to form Helium, a thermodynamically stable element. The mass that's lost is equivalent to the energy released.

You missed hydrogen, geothermal and a bunch of others and BP owns much of the intellectual property for hydrogen. Look who owns the stock and intellectual property rights.
Why do you think that is?

The oil companies know the oil will one day run out and have wisely invested in alternatives and if so-called free-energy was one they would have soon invested in it.

In 1850, about 90% of the energy consumed in the United States was from renewable energy resources. Now the United States is heavily reliant on the non-renewable fossil fuels: coal, natural gas, and oil. In 2005, about 6% of all energy consumed, and about 9% of total electricity production was from renewable energy sources.
This is because people found it was easier to dig up coal, extract oil and gas than to cut down trees, build wind turbines (a technology that was very privative in the early 20th century) and hydroelectric power stations are only useful where people are near rivers.

Watch "Who killed the electric car" for a textbook example.

There is a federal law that prevents an electric car from exceeding 25MPH to make sure they are never produced, for another example...
No such silly law exists here in the UK or anywhere else I know of.

You forget that the US is only a small part of the world.

What about China?

Not forgetting other nations you won't even talk to like Cuba and North Korea.

Do you honestly think that you are the only country where free-energy has supposedly been discovered and is suppressed?

Half the world doesn't care what laws you have or what the your oil companies do. For a good 70 years one third of the world's population was totally isolated for you by the iron curtain. It's a safe bet that even if someone in the US had developed free energy some communist spy would have stolen the technology and used it to crush you.
TheBuzz appears to be another troll from over at

Overunity is simply not possible, the entire universe has been on borrowed time since the big bang.

Here's one of your experiments
Here is the transformer (transformer3)I built last week from a radio shack 3A 24V core. I cut the three legs of the E core to the same size. It was just built for learning purposes to create that burst wave and wound so I could section it off into 6 segments. I made the spools out of CDROM cases and #18 acrylic glue - super strong but nice and thin.

Look at the Stephan Meyer patent. Same 21MHZ chaotic wave rich in current harmonics when connected properly.

How do I put 60hz in and get 21MHZ out? Only way I could explain that is how I already did.

And the other is the 8 bank high voltage spool I cut out of Delrin for a bank wound HV cavitation coil real similar to what Thane Heins is doing. I fact totally similar but on a hollow E core instead of a toroid.

Real enough? **broken link removed**
**broken link removed** transformer3.JPG (41.51 KB, 432x402 - viewed 197 times.)
**broken link removed**
**broken link removed** transformer4.JPG (22.85 KB, 432x284 - viewed 193 times.)

All I see is a transformer with some wire sticking out of it, call us when you get your overunity prize.
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Please expand a bit more, what reactions are you talking about?

You seemed to have missed my point which is that E = mc² applies to all reactions not just nuclear reactions whether they be neuclear or chemical. This is down to the mass-energy equivalence, as you give a system more energy it gains mass and as you take energy away from a system it looses mass.

Most nuclear reactions don't actually convert any particles to energy, the number of particles left afterwards is exactly the same as before, the difference is a huge amount of energy has been lost so all the particles effectively have less mass than before.

Particles don't disappear and get converted to energy; the only way to accomplish this is to annihilate them with anti-matter which itself takes a lot of energy to produce.

Look at the animation of Deuterium and Tritium fusing to form helium, notice how there are just as many protons and neutrons before and after the reaction?

**broken link removed**

Where's all the mass gone?

None of it's vanished into thin air.

What's happened is Deuterium and Tritium have fused together to form Helium, a thermodynamically stable element. The mass that's lost is equivalent to the energy released.

Why do you think that is?

The oil companies know the oil will one day run out and have wisely invested in alternatives and if so-called free-energy was one they would have soon invested in it.

This is because people found it was easier to dig up coal, extract oil and gas than to cut down trees, build wind turbines (a technology that was very privative in the early 20th century) and hydroelectric power stations are only useful where people are near rivers.

No such silly law exists here in the UK or anywhere else I know of.

You forget that the US is only a small part of the world.

What about China?

Not forgetting other nations you won't even talk to like Cuba and North Korea.

Do you honestly think that you are the only country where free-energy has supposedly been discovered and is suppressed?

Half the world doesn't care what laws you have or what the your oil companies do. For a good 70 years one third of the world's population was totally isolated for you by the iron curtain. It's a safe bet that even if someone in the US had developed free energy some communist spy would have stolen the technology and used it to crush you.

The point is that mass is converted into the atomic energy contained in the mass and that is far greater than the chemical conversion. You didn't calculate how much energy would be released but if you had, you would have found it to far greater than anything you could chemically extract.

As far as the US goes, I just live here. That does not mean that I agree with ANYTHING the government does on behalf of the Jewish bankers that took control of this government, the press, the medical system, our elections, the legal system or anything else that is wrecking the world in out names. You are singing to the choir and most of us agree with the rest of the world, not our government. Revolution is not far away at this point unless something radically changes. We would love to hand over Bush, the congress and the zionazis.

Perhaps you could explain how the gas in the cylinders of the Papp engine works for 40K miles? That isn't chemical.

Here is another example - it is a H2 to H1 transmute.
**broken link removed**

The copper cylinder is a one turn shorted coil. Notice the gas even though under a vacuum just keeps working? There is a massive amount of free energy contained in the hydrogen found in a single drop of water. That is free energy.

It is not nuclear, it is not chemical, it is atomic.

We have a law in the US that does not allow electric cars to exceed 25MPH.

Stop Limiting Electric Vehicles - The Petition Site

BTW - If you believe in global warming, well check all five reporting stations, the global temp is down .7 C this year. That is why they are now calling it climate change. If you believe that we are about to run out of oil, well I have worked in the oil business drilling on and offshore including Alaska and seismograph for two years as well. We would run out of atmosphere long before we run out of oil.

Oil is produced by Phytoplankton - Plants of the Sea not dinosaurs. It is a renewable resource and we have enough for 500 years no problem. It is about suppression and the central bankers that print our money out of thin air are just as much a part of that suppression. You are controlled by the price of energy.
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Blueroomelectronics - Your copyright violation was reported, the page was documented. The illegally obtained photos were taken out of context and used to smear me and I have requested the web site owner provide all identifying information for you including the IP address of the post.

Would you be so kind as to verify if this is you?
William Richardson
2110 Gerrard St. East
Toronto, Ontario M4E2B8

My wife works at a business called a law firm that specializes in intellectual property. It just costs me $230.00 to file a complaint in District court and another few hundred to default you and get a judgment, then wreck your credit from the comfort of home here in the US. The credit report is automatic.

Always happy to do it since it is all so cut and dry on something like this.
I guess TheBuzz has to troll here because...
I have set user TheBuzz
to read access only.

Regards, Stefan.
An Overunity forum moderator.

Yea I read the forums at overunity, it's like reading the National Enquirer.
**broken link removed**
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Not necessary - you removed the material.

Yes I have been banned from overunity four times for exposing con artist and fools over the last ten years. Names like Don Smilth and Perreaultium come to mind.

The young thread was a perfect example - "The Young Effect, my gift to the free energy movement!" His newest discovery is the saturable reactor or should I say the unsaturable reactor since he is using a MOT with a laptop power supply.

When people try to explain it to him, he shouts them down. You can't fix crazy.

I was banned last week for exposing a guy named Pirate88179 who claimed "I have founded two high tech research and development corporations that served the aerospace and electronics industries for years and are still doing so today."

"I have invented and designed parts that have flown on the space shuttle, been a consultant to NASA, designed and built parts for inertial guidance system for missile defense, manufactured actuators for Disney's Imagineering folks, made parts for the Tokamak reactor at Princeton University, light sensors for AT&T's fiber optic network, and on, and on and on."

Then several posts later he asks what a reed switch is... He is a process server - an errand boy for a law firm.

A quick Google on that username takes us to a someone that is being sued for debt collection asking for free legal help online because he has no money.

So yeah, I enjoy the freak show at overunity, it's like Jerry Spinger on steroids. I help people learn basic electronics and I am interested in new things that people figure out for example Thane Heins.

Have you been invited to demonstrate something at MIT they they could not explain? Has a university offered you lab space to do R&D? No?

But Thane did and is and he has shared his research at overunity too. So it is not all a freak show.

The dumbest people are those that believe everything and those that believe nothing. I don't have beliefs, just things that I know and things that I don't know.

You seem to be locked in disbelief and have nothing to offer but smear and defamation. That is not a technical discussion and required no intelligence.

BTW - The threat was not idle. I choose my battles carefully and in case you hadn't noticed, I like it and I don't back down and that makes me your worst nightmare in a legal situation. It is just a matter of asking for a favor and $230.00 that I will never miss and in the end, and there is always an end, I get it all back and then some. No exceptions.

You don't look like you can afford to lose much more living right by the railroad tracks and all so be good.

What's that like?
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The point is that mass is converted into the atomic energy contained in the mass and that is far greater than the chemical conversion. You didn't calculate how much energy would be released but if you had, you would have found it to far greater than anything you could chemically extract.
That's 100% true, nuclear reactions are more exothermic and therefore result in a much higher apparent loss of mass.

As far as the US goes, I just live here. That does not mean that I agree with ANYTHING the government does on behalf of the Jewish bankers that took control of this government, the press, the medical system, our elections, the legal system or anything else that is wrecking the world in out names. You are singing to the choir and most of us agree with the rest of the world, not our government. Revolution is not far away at this point unless something radically changes. We would love to hand over Bush, the congress and the zionazis.
Does it matter what race the bankers are?

Don't tell me you're a racist?

By the way Bush is no longer president, Obama is.

Maybe I've misinterpreted what you've said but you seem like you don't like the Jews; do you have a problem that the new president is half-black?

Perhaps you could explain how the gas in the cylinders of the Papp engine works for 40K miles? That isn't chemical.
I don't know, why don't you build a Papp engine and put it in your car?

Here is another example - it is a H2 to H1 transmute.
**broken link removed**

The copper cylinder is a one turn shorted coil. Notice the gas even though under a vacuum just keeps working? There is a massive amount of free energy contained in the hydrogen found in a single drop of water. That is free energy.

It is not nuclear, it is not chemical, it is atomic.
That website doesn't provide enough information, maybe it's me not looking hard enough but I couldn't even find an equation describing the reaction taking place.

What does 'transmutate' mean in this context?

Sorry, I'm not a Transformers fan.:p

What does 'H1' mean in this context, is it a free radical? The standard way of indicating a hydrogen free radical is 'H·'.

We have a law in the US that does not allow electric cars to exceed 25MPH.

Stop Limiting Electric Vehicles - The Petition Site
I didn't say I didn't believe you, I agree it's a silly law but it only effects a small part of the world, most people simple don't care. You could legally take an electric car to an autobahn in Germany and do 250mph if you wanted to.

BTW - If you believe in global warming, well check all five reporting stations, the global temp is down .7 C this year. That is why they are now calling it climate change.
I'm undecided on the anthropogenic climate change debate. I think we are probably having an affect but maybe not as much as some alarmists say.

If you believe that we are about to run out of oil, well I have worked in the oil business drilling on and offshore including Alaska and seismograph for two years as well. We would run out of atmosphere long before we run out of oil.

Oil is produced by Phytoplankton - Plants of the Sea not dinosaurs. It is a renewable resource and we have enough for 500 years no problem. It is about suppression and the central bankers that print our money out of thin air are just as much a part of that suppression. You are controlled by the price of energy.
How fast are the phytoplankton producing the oil?

How fast are we using it?

We're certainly using more than is being produced to it will run out.

Blueroomelectronics - Your copyright violation was reported, the page was documented. The illegally obtained photos were taken out of context and used to smear me and I have requested the web site owner provide all identifying information for you including the IP address of the post.

Would you be so kind as to verify if this is you?
William Richardson
2110 Gerrard St. East
Toronto, Ontario M4E2B8

My wife works at a business called a law firm that specializes in intellectual property. It just costs me $230.00 to file a complaint in District court and another few hundred to default you and get a judgment, then wreck your credit from the comfort of home here in the US. The credit report is automatic.

Always happy to do it since it is all so cut and dry on something like this.
Ahh, the argument isn't going your way so throw your dummy out of the pram and start threatening people how pathetic?

blueroomelectronics said:
Hey I didn't remove the message, must have been the moderator.

Overunity isn't going to happen. It's simply wishful thinking.
He's posted some of your private details on a public forum without your consent. There much be a law against this, perhaps you should sue him too?
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He's posted some of your private details on a public forum without your consent. There much be a law against this, perhaps you should sue him too?
I think throwing lawsuits around are a US anomaly. We got thicker skins up here. Besides I'd hire Denny Crane :p.
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