Full Bridge Phase Shift dc-dc converter

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Can anyone please explain where am I going wrong.
Output voltage 50V
Output current 100 A
Input Voltage 400V

Sincere Thanks in advance.


  • trying pwm phase shift.asc
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There is so much wrong with your circuit I don't know where to start!

Qa and Qc are upside down (S and D reversed).

Qb and Qd are upside down (S and D reversed) and shorted.

Gate drives are unspecified for Qa, Qb, and Qd. You will have to come up with non-overlapping, realistic amplitude, rise-time, frequency, and pulse duration for all four gate drivers.

You must specify "real" devices for Qa-d; the generic NMOS devices are tiny, and can only conduct a few mA of current.
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How did you calculate the turn ratio of the transformer? L1 & L2
It is set to step up. I think a step down would be better.
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