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Full Spectrum light bulbs. We need real sunlight inside the house.

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They are there, grayed out for some reason, but still clickable.

That specific link was just a way of cross referencing the boron / borax article it contained, not for the author of the link itself.

Looks like a real hidden cure.

How much Turmeric do you take every day?

I take 1000mg once a day(2capsules). But if your going to try this get the good stuff, there are two types. Look for one that says it has a higher level of Cucumin extract in it. The stuff in most discount stores is just the spice turmeric, the stuff that makes mustard yellow. It's the curcumin that is the stuff that is medicine, extracted from the spice. I use the kind that has Bioperine in it too, that is an extract from black pepper that lets the turmeric/curcumin get absorbed faster.

It's not going to take away all the pain but it does help.

I had a series of heart attacks and they make me take statins now. Not the doctor making me but the insurance company. I didn't refill my prescription for it and they called me asking why. When I told them about the legs, they said to do as I like , but if I didn't take the statins and had another heart attack they would refuse the hospital payments! So I'm being held hostage by the insurance company.

I take 1000mg once a day(2capsules). But if your going to try this get the good stuff, there are two types. Look for one that says it has a higher level of Cucumin extract in it. The stuff in most discount stores is just the spice turmeric, the stuff that makes mustard yellow. It's the curcumin that is the stuff that is medicine, extracted from the spice. I use the kind that has Bioperine in it too, that is an extract from black pepper that lets the turmeric/curcumin get absorbed faster.

It's not going to take away all the pain but it does help.

I had a series of heart attacks and they make me take statins now. Not the doctor making me but the insurance company. I didn't refill my prescription for it and they called me asking why. When I told them about the legs, they said to do as I like , but if I didn't take the statins and had another heart attack they would refuse the hospital payments! So I'm being held hostage by the insurance company.

I too was crippled by statins (and still suffer from it now), and so refused to take them - however, it was for 'primary prevention' not that I actually 'needed' them.

However, there are many diffrent types of statins, how many has your doctor tried you on?.
However, there are many diffrent types of statins, how many has your doctor tried you on?.

So far 5, the one I take now Rosuvastatin has the least side effect. I've taken them off and on over the years, but couldn't work now that I'm retired I don't have to walk or stand as much as when working. I"ve had extremely high cholesteral, tri-glyserides and blood pressure my whole adult life. Faid my army physical 3 times becuse of the BP, the last time they even kept me over night to monitor it. Highest measured BP was 210/180, that was in my 30's, have been on many different combinations of meds, until the heart attacks and they kept me in the hospital for a week and finally figured out the right combination of meds. Now since taking the Turmeric, it's almost too low, 108/68 last week at my check up.
One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you, don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall

We changed that when I was in Vietnam to:
One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small
And the ones that the corpsman gives you, don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall

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Home / Blog / Articles / Articles / Boron – An Important Trace Mineral
Boron – An Important Trace Mineral
Posted by gerbermedical
| May 1, 2018

An 80-year-old woman with hands distorted by osteoarthritis walked into my office and gave me a big hug. This is the first time she’d had no pain in her hands for many years. She had been on Borax for a little over one month and was thrilled at the pain relief she experienced. Borax which is sodium tetraborate decahydrate, disodium tetraborate decahydrate, is basically boron. It is a trace mineral which deserves more attention.

In his landmark book, Minerals for the Genetic Code1, Charles Walters, one of the founders of organic farming and executive editor of Acres USA who wrote thousands of articles on organic and sustainable agriculture, authored or co-authored dozens of books on this subject. He related boron’s importance to our genetic code as described by Dr. Richard Olree. He was extremely fond of boron and many other trace minerals especially selenium, which he thought was most important to protect us from cancer.

Walters felt boron was the conservator of magnesium and 3 mg of boron per day would stop urine output of magnesium. Boron, he states, is “the fuel for the highest portions of the brain responsible for pure and high ideals and controls the heart meridian.” Perhaps it helps to decalcify the pineal gland. Adequate boron levels absorb radiation and was used to control radiation in the Chernobyl disaster. “Truck drivers were paid extra to deliver boron to the disaster site without knowing that supplementing boron would have spared them the radiation toxicity. “Boron stopped the ‘China Syndrome’ from occurring in Russia”.

Boron elevates levels of testosterone and is easily displaced by aluminum. It activates vitamin D, enhances memory, increases alertness and protects the heart. Deficiency states include ADD/ADHD, osteoporosis, arthritis, reduces short term memory and decreases brain function.


How the Arthritis Cure Has Been Stopped

By Walter Last
Walter Last is a German health science writer living in Australia. This paper is easily found on line and is a definitive guide to delivering boron via borax, which is unfortunately inexpensive. Last recounts the story of Rex Newnham, Ph.D., D.O., N.D., a soil scientist in Australia who developed arthritis unresponsive to conventional treatment in the 1960s. Newnham’s research revealed that countries with low boron levels had high rates of arthritis and vice versa. He began supplying patients with borax as a safe and inexpensive source of boron and took it himself with often dramatic resolution of arthritis. His dose was 30 mg per day. All his arthritic symptoms and pain resolved in three weeks. Within a few years he had standardized the dose and sold 10,000 bottles per month when he asked a drug company to market it. It proved to be a large mistake when the company realized that borax would replace more expense arthritis drugs and influenced the government to designate it a poison in any form. It was outlawed in Australia in 1981. It was subsequently outlawed in the European Union in 2010.

Boron Chemistry

Boron has many health effects. It normalizes the function of cell membranes and signaling across the membranes. Found throughout the body, it is especially prevalent in the parathyroid glands, bone and teeth enamel and is necessary for bone and joint function. Boron is for the parathyroids as iodine is for the thyroid. “Boron deficiency causes the parathyroids to become overactive, releasing too much parathyroid hormone raises the blood level of calcium by releasing calcium from bones and teeth. This then leads to osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis, osteoporosis and tooth decay. With advancing age high blood levels of calcium lead to calcification of soft tissues causing muscle contractions of stiffness, calcification of endocrine glands especially the pineal gland and ovaries, arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, calcification of the kidneys leading to kidney failure. It also effects the metabolism of steroid hormones, especially the sex hormones and increases low testosterone levels in men and low estrogen levels in post-menopausal women. It also has a role in converting vitamin D to its active form, thus increasing calcium uptake and deposition in bone and teeth rather than causing soft tissue to calcify. Other health benefits have been reported such as improvement of heart problems, vision, psoriasis, balance, memory and cognition.”
A 72-year-old patient with hypercalcemia and elevated parathyroid hormone levels were normalized in about a month of borax therapy. Another patient, a 56-year-old male, who has suffered recurrent kidney stones for years, heads off attacks with borax. “A German cancer researcher, Dr. Paul-Gerhard Seeger, has shown that cancers commonly start with the deterioration of cell membranes. As boron is essential for cell membranes and boron deficiency is widespread this may be an important cause for the initiation for tumor growth. Boron compounds have anti-tumor properties and are potent anti-osteoporotic, anti-inflammatory, hypolipemic, anti-coagulant and anti-neoplastic agents2”

Fungi and Fluoride
Boron is an excellent fungicide. It has been used for athlete’s foot and toe nail fungus. Using a handful of borax rubbed on wetted feet stops itching immediately. Boric acid or borax in caps inserted vaginally for two weeks have relieved vaginal thrush 3. “Borax, similar to Lugol’s solution, can also be used to remove accumulated fluoride and heavy metals from the body4. Fluoride not only causes bones to deteriorate, but also the pineal gland to calcify and the thyroid to become underactive. Borax reacts with fluoride ions to form boron fluorides which are then excreted in the urine.”

Side Effects, Dosage
Safety studies show that borax is 5 to 10 times safer than table salt5. Read The Borax Conspiracy on line for a full review of toxicity studies. Borax is not appreciable different from USP boron. The standard dose is 1 teaspoon of borax per liter of water to make a concentrated, stock solution. One tsp of the concentrate has 25 to 30 mg of borax which gives 3 mg of boron diluted in good water or juice. This may be taken once or twice per day. Of importance, however, one must start patients very slowly. One or two drops of the stock solution in water initially and gradually increase. Detoxification reactions are common such as aggravation of symptoms or the Herxheimer reaction, which are usually short lived. Taking borax is best only 4 or 5 days per week and/or interrupt for one week each month. I like taking an EDTA chelation weekly when initiating borax therapy, perhaps removing stirred up calcium or other metals. Last suggests working up to 1/8th, ¼ or ½ tsp per day in water with a carbohydrate meal for larger patients to treat strong fungal infections, mycoplasmas, autoimmune diseases, cancer or dementia. The higher doses taste soapy and may be masked by lemon juice, vinegar or ascorbic acid. I really like the effects of borax on psyche and body and on patients’ general health. Citations:

Minerals for the Genetic Code, Charles Walters , Acres USA, 2013. ISBN 978-0- 911311-85-3
Highest measured BP was 210/180, that was in my 30's, have been on many different combinations of meds, until the heart attacks and they kept me in the hospital for a week and finally figured out the right combination of meds. Now since taking the Turmeric, it's almost too low, 108/68 last week at my check up.

When I was diagnosed the top figure was 240 :nailbiting: can't remember the bottom figure.

I only went to the doctors because of my eyes, as they were deteriorating rapidly - needless to say they didn't even look at my eyes.

I'm on three types of pills for BP, which keeps it under control, and am currently on two (or three) for pain in my arm - I've been crippled since the beginning of the year, and spent the first couple of weeks doing nothing but lying on my back. Following an x-ray and a Ultrasound Scan they have diagnosed wear on the shoulder joint, and calcified tendons with a sharp spur on one. So I'm on Naproxen as an anti-inflammatory, another pill to reduce stomach damage from it, and Codeine for the pain (although I've managed to pretty well drop the Codeine off now).

I've been waiting for a hospital appointment, which came through yesterday (took two weeks), but it's not until 25th March at the Musculoskeletal department at the local Community Hospital to evaluate and discuss treatment.

Anyway, as from last week I've started taking Turmeric/Ginger/Black Pepper capsules, on the grounds it might help a little.
7 years ago I was in a wheel chair. One day I sat on the floor putting oil on my bicycle chain so I could do a 20 mile bicycle ride when I tried to get up it was like being stabbing in the back. Pain was a killer it took me 30 minutes to get in bed. Doctor gave me pain pills and steroids it was helpful but not a cure. Pain got worse and worse I had to get a wheel chair just so I could get from bed to bathroom and that was hell pain was terrible. I spent a year in the wheel chair, I learned if I was awake in bed 2 hours moving round in bed pain would get less that made it easier to get in the wheel chair so I started spending more time in the wheel chair. A few months later I learned pain had gone away by 6 pm I could walk short distances setting down every 20 ft to relieve the pain then walk some more. Few months later I was getting up from the wheel chair about lunch time. Finally after a whole year in the wheel chair I was getting out of bed without the wheel chair but having lots of pain. I could walk to bathroom or living room and set down to relieve back pain. I could walk 30 ft then needed to set down to relieve back pain. I would walk 30 ft over and over and do other things but kept needing to set down to relieve pain then get up a go again. Several doctors wanted to do surgery. 1 doctor I talked to 5 minutes on first visit wanted to schedule me for surgery 2 days later without doing any tests, no rays, no ultra sound, nothing. I told him you did no tests, he said, I don't need tests lots of people have pain in the same general area I know where to cut. I walked out of his office and tried 10 other doctors they all want to do surgery. 2 years later I learned as long as I stay active pain gets less & less and 2 aspirin is the best anti inflammatory for this pain. Then I found an honest doctor he sent me for a test where I have to lay in a table and not move for 30 minutes while table moved very slow through a large donut shape magnet. Doctor said, there is not bad wrong with you. Your problem is old age, muscles become less flexible and when you use muscles that have not been used in 10 years they go into spasms and cause terrible pain. He told me to lay in the bathtub full of hot water as hot as i can stand 30 minutes every morning heat will relax the muscles, he was right it worked. Set in a chair with hot pad to relax back muscles it will stop the pain. Sleep with a hot pad it will keep back muscles from tightening up during the night and being painful next morning. Hot pad will stop painful muscles from waking you up in the middle of the night. Now that I have gotten an old age muscle education I feel 10 years younger I know how to deal with the problem and I don't need surgery. 2 aspirins in the morning with food I am good to go all day back muscles start to get sore about 5 pm so I take it easy the rest of the day. I am not using a hot pad any more either. I went to physical therapy and learned how to do back mucles stretching exercises to stop pain. I am always a bit sore in the morning it works best for me not to set down for very long it stretches back muscles and makes pain. I still do walk & sit, walk & sit, walk & sit, over and over every morning to get my back muscles moving and feeling better. My wheel chair has been in the garage collecting dust for 5 years I am afraid to get ride of it. I have a hard time walking 200 ft to the mail box but have no trouble riding my bicycle 20 miles.
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The evidence for low dose boron seems like something to try.


it won't hurt to try it Because naturally occurring ground water contains more borate ion than recommended in the recipe in the link above.

also note that naturally occurring solutions are so easy to spot that it wouldhave been identified long ago it it were true. For example,areas in Texas had naturally occurring higher levels of fluoride in the ground water and it was easily identified that people living there had significantly fewer cavities - and it make sense because calcium fluoro-apatite is considerably more resistant to acids than calcium hydroxy-apiatite. another example, people living near water suppliesthat are low in iodide (iodine ion),tend to have thyroid issues (goiter).

if the boron micro-nutrient were to be important for arthritis, I'm sure someone would have figured out that arthritis in California City, CA; Boron, CA; Borax, CA all have surprisingly low levels of arthritis - mainly because rheumatologists would not find any business there. There is no more need to hide this cure than the cures for goiter or tooth decay.

Also, larger insurance companies have statisticians & demographers looking for zip-code levels of disease occur occurrence rates and would love to save money by having patients take a scoop of borax a few times per week because it would be even cheaper than aspirin.

On the other hand, if someone wants to take borax and thinks they feel better when taking borax, I'm not going to suggest they stop because the placebo effect can be used to advantage for pain and I'm not going to interrupt that. I'm only posting here to debunk the marketing effort of "micronutrient experts" that claim boron is a suppressed/hidden cure for arthritis.
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