Fun Windows7 trick

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Super Moderator
Hey guys! I've got a fun one for any of you running Windows 7!

First things first:

Go to Control Panel-->Programs & Features-->"Turn Windows Features On Or Off" (in the side panel). In the window that pops up, make sure "Telnet Client" is selected, and press ok. Let it load.

After that's done, we're on to the fun part!

Open your start menu, and type in "cmd". The command window should appear. Type in the following phrases:

"telnet" (do not type the quotes for any of the commands)

Wait a minute, and enjoy!

Der Strom
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It might work on Vista, too, but I'm not 100% positive. Worth a try, anyway.

Have fun with it, guys!
Where to look for that telnet client?

Have no idea.

Win XP SP3 here.
Download "Putty" - it does Telnet / SSH / TCP etc and its free.

I'm watching the animation now on Putty and its perfect lol.
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