Funny Images Thread!

If you know about herbal remedies. take triple doses of Nigella Sativa oil, and for prevention just one daily tbsp or sip.

It's not specifically for anything yet was listed up there with Ivermectin for CV19 prevention.

Google says "
According to research, Nigella sativa (black cumin) may have a positive effect on high blood pressure, potentially helping to lower it due to its antihypertensive properties, which are attributed to mechanisms like calcium channel blockade, diuretic activity, and antioxidant effects; however, it's important to consult a healthcare professional before using it as a treatment for hypertension as individual results may vary and it should not replace prescribed medications.
(except 20 /20 Dr's I asked have never heard of it) ... no surprise with Big Pharma supporting Med Ed.

Nigella Sativa for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 25 studies

NIH has hundreds of clinical studies, Dr's who had read them are thinking this should become "standard care".Yet During covid, all my encounters with everyone in medical industry said, what's that? Ebay had 150 different countries that supply it. Expensive and tastes terrible, a bit like pine needles in the stronger ones with higher TriCQ. I got a big bag of it in early 2019 but never used it much as I never got infected but it's better for immune support for prevention.

Plug your nose when you sip it. Did I say it tastes terrible? ~ $1/day.
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Yep, different medication in my case, but similar "side effects"
Not just me then

However, my daughter who's a Phd Chemist and works at a University, mentioned that if there are any reports of problems (particularly death) from people taking a particular type of medication it takes very few reports for it to be added to the list of possible side effects. This tends to be done quickly before there's any investigation in to it (presumably as a 'covering their ass' solution), and might be removed later if it's proved such effects aren't anything to do with the medication.
Wife has the opposite problem, one of the few pain medications she could tolerate was withdrawn because 1 person passed away - not 1 person in this country, but 1 person in the world
Didn't have any electronic vending machines, but back in time ! I could visit a high street shop and buy an OC71 for two shillings ( I might even still have one , i scraped off the paint to make a photo transistor.)
Didn't have any electronic vending machines, but back in time ! I could visit a high street shop and buy an OC71 for two shillings ( I might even still have one , i scraped off the paint to make a photo transistor.)

There was no high street shops up my way
A chap in Hall Green had a very small shop and bought bulk components from RS re packed them and sold as one offs even resistors ! , Think he also dismantled equipment and put it on his shelves , For TTL had to order from Maplin, or Edgware Rd London.

I grew up in a small village in the Derbyshire hills, we had two pubs, a post office, and a small grocers shop. However, up at the top of the hill was an old quarry used as a tip, and I used to get my components from there out of dumped TV's etc.

In later years I used to love Maplin, but then they changed their delivery courier - and it was so slow as to make them useless (anytime in the next 14 days). As a result I stopped using Maplin for years.
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