Funny Images Thread!

hi Eric, i understand that it is a phrase from Star Trek, and in the multimeter it denotes that resistance meter is useless. Right?
hi Eric, i understand that it is a phrase from Star Trek, and in the multimeter it denotes that resistance meter is useless. Right?

The way I see the joke is: the meter is set to OHMS and the reading is 'FUTILE' , so the Resistance is Futile.


Yes Eric that's funny. This whole thread is kind of cute.

With regard to the 'bars' picture posted, did anyone see the Wishmaster movie? A guy was in jail with the Wishmaster and he wished he could "walk right through the bars" to escape. Well, he got his wish, but as we all know humans dont fit through jail bars too easily so he came out the other side all mangled and bloody and of course, dead. What a mess

So what is your take on what this frog is doing with (or to) this leaf...did his girlfriend go away for the month perhaps


  • Frog1.jpg
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thanks Eric. I still didn't laugh... So i'm not a nerd!
AI, It's actually an intelligent frog using a leaf as a makeshift umbrella during the rain. Where did you get this? I saw this on NATGEO or somewhere. Unable to evoke.

LOL Mr Al.....following your line of thinking, it's a Female frog using the little leaf to keep herself dry.

That's why she appears to be concentrating so hard...look at those little eyes. She is damn mad that her husband is once again late getting off the frog bus. And she is tired of this nonsense...And she has had no time to zap mozzies and flies for supper yet.

Oh boy, I hope I have not guessed another answer..

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Hi again,

tvtech, you and Electroenthusiast take the fun out of everything

But seriously tvtech...mad frog, frog bus...your whimsy knows no bounds

And although cats and raccoons may not get along too well, cats and squirrels just might as this next slide shows...


  • CatAndSquirrel2.jpg
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My imagination knows no bounds . Especially with Non Technical stuff.

BTW..that Torch you bought a while opened it yet?

Still keen to see what is inside it...remember ?

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Just do it

Crude but...


  • nike.png
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Ouch!!. That poor thing has a recovery mode = zero.

Got you by the NUTS comes to mind. Great post. Even Animals have problems with silly stuff they do....Man, that must of been sore for the poor thing..
I hope it survived.

Hanging from your nuts with full body weight must be a really painful experience. Luckily, I have never done something "that stupid"....yet .

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