Funny Images Thread!

Fez..I know you are bored. But you are on the verge of spamming the Funny Images thread. Leave it for now. Please.

On another your Avvy...where is your hair. Burnt
oops, i checked the tsunami of funny pictures, got your point hehe...

yeah, i mostly keep my hair short,otherwise i have such high forehead i look like drunken owl, hit by car...easy to keep clean this bald-ball ;D
We are back on track again

Thanks Guys

Dog sniffing the drawing's butt is classic

okay here goes again...hoefully not as badly as couple days ago haha...
hopefully this picture isn't racist
oh, and joke is mainly regional, people outside finland probadly won't get it, but in finland musti, means dog, so men in black->miehet mustissa->men in that dog
if you catch my drift...
**broken link removed**
That ad on the back of the bus needs to be pulled in the interest of road safety...

... following drivers collapsing with laughter.

That ad on the back of the bus needs to be pulled in the interest of road safety...

... following drivers collapsing with laughter.

It's already been done - following massive complaints - it made the national UK news
I did not notice it on the news here in Scotland, not that I slavishly watch all news programs.
It may have been there but I did not see it.

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