Game show buzzer

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New Member
I need a diagram for a game show lights and buzzer setup. One that has three buttons each on two or three teams and one setup with just two buttons. They need to be set up so that the buzzer goes off when any button is pushed and a light lights up at only the first button pushed.
Thank you!
ok, here is a schematic.
it is used for as many contentstants you want...


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no actually i left them floateing to suggest that you can add as many modules as you want.
theay are not floating, they go somewere.
You have made a closed loop in the circuit on the left side. I know you are trying to say that the points are connected somewhere on the right side schematic but this is not the exact way of showing that. You know here all the points seem to be short circuited. You can just name the signal to show that there is a connection between two points which are not joined through a wire.
The circuit is O.K., but module number4 and mod.num5 changed.I mean for LED no need a transistor, simply hook up to 4011 pin10.
And connect the buzzer with NPN transistor to pin11.
thats right.
i noticed that, the circuit is origianly taken from an elektor magazine form 70' . i agree the 4011 can handle enough curent to drive the led.
i will scan the ciruit as soon as i set up my scanner, because i dont use it very often
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