I have three question about pic microcontroller :
1- When I the connect the output voltage of regulater 5V to pic , the voltage drop to
half as shown in the lower, why?

2- is conduction in above right?
nor I must connect the output of regulater 5 volt (7805) to pin digital input
on pic 16F88 and to ( resistor and ground ) as shown in the lower ?

3- finally , can I connect crystal to pic16f88 without capacitors?
1- When I the connect the output voltage of regulater 5V to pic , the voltage drop to
half as shown in the lower, why?

2- is conduction in above right?
nor I must connect the output of regulater 5 volt (7805) to pin digital input
on pic 16F88 and to ( resistor and ground ) as shown in the lower ?

3- finally , can I connect crystal to pic16f88 without capacitors?