The step-up converter idea I mentioned in your other thread should work fine.
The example I linked to should be suitable, as long as you use a minimum of three dry cells - or one rechargeable lithium cell.
**broken link removed**
Dry cells that are nominally 1.5V start at that, but the voltage progressively drops as they discharge, down to around 1V per cell before they are completely exhausted.
Two dry cells will drop below the minimum 2.5V input for that board, well before they are dead. Using three keeps the voltage reasonable.
Or, a single 18650 rechargeable lithium cell may be simpler than multiple dry cells - and it's definitely cheaper in the long term!
The voltage range on one of those is from 4.2V fully charged down to 3.5V or a bit less when dead.
Get cells with internal protection; that avoids damage due to over-discharge if they are left connected too long.