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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Get an error when compile

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Hello there,
Why these code getting an error when i do to compile, and what is wrong there :
device = 16f88
@__config _config1, cp_off & ccp1_rb0 & debug_off & wrt_protect_off & cpd_off & lvp_off & boden_off & mclr_on & pwrte_on & wdt_off & intrc_io
#Define i2c_sclout On
all_digital = True
TRISA = % 11111000
TRISB = % 11100000
OSCCON = % 01101110
'ANSEL = $ 00011000
declare LCD_LINES = 2  'LCD 4 Line
declare lcd_dtpin = PORTB.0  'LCD Data Pin
declare lcd_interface = 4  'LCD Data Pin 4
declare lcd_rspin = PORTB.4  'LCD RS Pin
declare lcd_enpin = PORTA.6  'LCD EN Pin
declare adin_res 10
declare adin_tad frc
declare adin_stime = 100

Can some one here help me.

Why these code getting an error when i do to compile, and what is wrong there :
Because That is not Oshonsoft basic... It looks more like Freebasic to me.. Where did you get that snippet of code from?
Hello all,
Apologize for wrong room.
I trying to compile it code to pic basic, but i still have an error, are the pic basic and proton basic is same compiler ?.

That code is for Proton Basic. To compile the code as is, you need the compiler:
**broken link removed**
Here's the manual:
**broken link removed**

To use that code with any other compiler, it needs to be converted, as Ian Rogers notes.
Hello All,
Yes, you all is right, that code is under Proton Basic Compiler, i already trying to compile with the correct compiler.
Well, here are i found code from somewhere, this code already I compiled with Oshonsoft compiler and has been success, but i have a problem when i trying to running on proteus, i saw that frequency is not to FM 87,50 -108.00 Mhz.

I already trying to fixed that, but i am stuck, because i am still new in Oshonsoft compiler, also i checked that interface I2C doesn't working properly in osciloscope.

So ..., hope the master here help me to solved this happen and my problem.

To see the code, please find attached file.



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