Getting into Pic programming

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The 18f452 is a good chip lots of code out there for it. And most compilers use it in there
samples. Only down side I see is you have to use a crystal with it. I use it on a solder less bread board . And the pickit2 Lot of chip to play with
so do you recommend the junebug or the PICkit2?is junebug better cos it has attached peripherals?
There both great they do the same thing and that program and debug pic chips. Now if your looking for something that plug and play the junebug has most all you need to try some code out fast. They still both do the same thing
just have to hook more up to the pickit2
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I agree that the university could well change over a a newer chip as days pass by.

as to yohanevindra's comment, i never said it supports 18F1320 alone.
i have indicated that there an on board 18F1320 ( when purchased as a kit), so that one can directly start writing PIC18 codes .
Junebug directly supports all chips that are 5V operated. For 3.3V working, an alternative has already been indicated on site and perhaps in the Junebug latest manual.
Let me tell you about low voltage programming with a pickit2 make sure you set your
programmer right or it will burn it up for you if you let it find the chip it's self. Found that out the hard way on a pic32.
Question on ICD

I myself have the Junebug GREAT tool to learn on.
Question is I have seen reference to the IN CIRCUIT DEBUGGING but what and how to use.
Have not seen any actual description of using this feature just referencing it.
In MPLAB it has it as well as the pickit2 software to use with Junebug.
As for language I need to get busy with learning more. Was looking at the post on interrupts (boy have I got some learning to do).
Got sidetracked the past 3 weeks (getting back to working on the EQ project again as well as getting the critter ridder up and working again with the photo transistor interrupt sequence. The phototransistors are way tooo small but will have to do (1.9mm round subminiature smd), oups I dropped one---lol
In mplab set the debugger (not programmer) as pickit2.

Double click on a line with code to set a break point. Hit run.

Look at variable values.

rinse repeat.

is the pickit2 the same as the PICDEM2 plus board? wht are the differences between the 2?the PICkit2 supports PIC18F452 right?
The PICDEM2 PLUS is only a target board. It has no programmer or debugger. It is used along with a PICkit2 or other programmer/debugger.

It can be used stand-alone with a programmed part, with an in-circuit emulator (e.g., MPLAB® ICE or MPLAB® REAL ICE™) or with an in-circuit debugger, MPLAB ICD 2 (or PICkit2).
To use the PICkit2 with the PICDEM2 PLUS you need to get an adapter from microchip to convert between ICD2 style to PICkit2 style ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming) connector. ICD2 uses a RJ11 looking connector and the PICkit2 uses a single line of pins on .1 inch centers.

I use Junebugs to teach microprocessor programming and hardware.

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i bought a junebug, but after that i realised it doesnt support 40-pin 18F452s right?

so that means, I have to buy the PICDEM2 plus board if i want to be able to practice properly?

or either oshonsoft...
i bought a junebug, but after that i realised it doesnt support 40-pin 18F452s right?

so that means, I have to buy the PICDEM2 plus board if i want to be able to practice properly?

or either oshonsoft...

The 18F1320 on the junebug uses the same instructions set and most of the same peripherals as other 18F chips. There is no problem in using it as is to start with.

Learn to read the switches, do ADC, light leds, play with IR communication etc.

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You use the junebug with any chip you can plug in this that means pdip wide pdip spdip
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but the 18F452 is a 40 pin micro controller. how do you connect it and program it using the junebug?

and what are one of those wide wires called?sorry for my ignorance....
It's a ribbon cable I have a roll of it I then make what I need.
You can plug in any chip thats a pdip here a 18f452
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you only use 5 wires to program

the connection photo that be80be is showing uses only 5 wires.
the plug has 10 pins but only 5 are actually used.
just be sure to get the socket inserted correctly (the ribbon cable has a red indicator for pin one.
I recall the junebug comes with the plug for the ribbon cable as well as a ribbon cable.
after you get the plug connected you can also use the con8 port to connect another circuit (ie. leds, switches etc) and use the on-board 1320 to control the additional circuit via the con8 port.
just need to procure a short ribbon cable , 2 sockets to fit the con8 port.
As suggested by another member, make some adapters for the two ports.
Will take some pics and post later along with part numbers I used.
Yes I just use 5 wires that's because I got a pickit2 before the junbug and the demo boards from the pickit2 have 6 pins and just use 5 of them and I have made my cables
for it. I can't see changing to the 10 pin style that bill used. It cant be that hard to do because I can hook up and program what i want. here a pic of the ribbon cable I use 5 strands of mine **broken link removed**
be80be, do you mind giving me some sort of circuit diagram or rough sketch so that i know wht pins of the 18f452 to connect to the junebug board...

so basically when i connect the 18f452 to the junebug board i can program the 18f452 as usual???do i remove the other PICs on the junebug board?or keep them?
Im not sure but i wouldnt recomment 5v LEDs. Mainly because you will hit a project that will require using resistors anyway so heh you might as well get normal ones.
Here all you need to start with. Set your chip up like this


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