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OOPS! lol wrong code going to edit it out. Check the other post again i fixed it
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Thanks, looks like the previous code was BoostC instead of C18. Works like a charm, compiled fine and here is a snapshot running in Proteus. Excuse the ratsnest


    110.5 KB · Views: 897
Oh sorry i missed it that those are fonts drawn on that display.

Well my font is a lot bigger and contains the entire ASCII set with ascii indexes. I need to write a program that converts fonts on a PC to glcd fonts.
What i would do is in photoshop i make a image the size of the font i want and type the whole characters that i would want like 0-9 a-z A-Z and make that into a BMP 2 bit and use the program you supplied (or one that comes with MikroE) and convert to decimal.
Thanks, looks like the previous code was BoostC instead of C18. Works like a charm, compiled fine and here is a snapshot running in Proteus. Excuse the ratsnest

its cool. hope you enjoy the code thank futz and Someone Electro really. I just put it together and posted it. lol the loops are all mine (thats why they aren done yet lol)
Problem is that in most fonts that the character vary in width. Also you cant get all ASCIIs this way.Also it is a boring job to do.

So its easier to write a program to create this bmp. For visual basic its a very quick job.
Since you are more experienced its easier for you and its not boring too me its fun making and being creative. (even tho your way is more efficient) i dont need efficiency right now to that extent.

I have to study that vb code that vb code to see exactly how it works.
The easyest is to use my existing GLCD image converter and add a button for converting fonts. All you do is use the Print command to print characters on to a text box at the right spots.(It uses the font that the picture box is set to)

I have to add this feature some time.
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