going on holiday for a bit

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Well-Known Member
Most Helpful Member
going away for a bit from the forum. So no i didnt die, those that need/want it can message me as i get notices now and then.

See you when i get back at some point. Those who no where i hide i will see you there..
Enjoy your break LG. Sometimes leaving social media for a bit can be very beneficial to your health (I know it has been for me in the past).

Hey LG,
hope you have a nice break and look forward to seeing you around the boards again when you are ready.
As far as Matt's suggestion goes regarding social media, the best thing I did years ago is get rid of Face-palm and never join any of the other soul-sucking copy-cat platforms.
Those who really matter to me, such as actual friends and family, can make contact directly.

Kind regards.
Ah i got a review to post first and some the IoT stuff then a break from forums like this, its actually a work thing, soap takes 7-12 weeks and we coming into show time and county fair season, so really i got get that rolling now. The review your gonna love and its something i agreed to do ages ago with sil labs then forgot!! They nudged me about it so might as well post it on here. Some will wet themselves when they see what a little $20 8051 board can do out the box!!

Even i think i think its super cool! I dont do faceplank, i twitter now and then for work but in general lyndsey does most that stuff under her non deplume, Also we got to sort the new labels out! Looked great on screen and awful when the printers sent the samples!! CYMK V RGB I guess.
Holiday on hold , couple small ish jobs i might need help with that i need to get done. One is the new quad one, actually a hexa copter. Decided to get the frame laser cut from acrylic once i decide on final shape and size, i can get it done at my old school.

Knocking up a star of david type shape from Balsa, i want to see how that handles in flight. The target for this copter is fair weight capacity, good lengh of air time, dosnt need long distance but good amount of time in air. and needs to be agile and able to get in tight spaces. I am also thinking of shrouded motors and vectoring the main rotors. Likely to be 2 stroke methanol engine acting as a generator, this is mainly a cost decision at this point, as i already have some to choose from. weight wise not 100% sure yet,but likely to be 5-7Kg all in and that includes fuel.

Flight time between refills 20-40mins would be good, longer would be better but not essential for this, max distance from operator is likely to be more height than anything, i cant see the quad needing to be more than 200 feet from the operator, but there is a good chance the hexacopter going up to around 400-500 feet would be useful, it wouldnt be traveling far, but this is more for carrying a decent camera and is a camera related exercise.
That's what the Dutch want us to think. They're sneaky little buggers but a few have their game figured out now.

Now don't knock the Dutch, my daughter lives there and has just married a Dutchman!

To be fair though, they are very racist, and hate everyone (except the British!).

I've just come back from visiting a week and a half ago, we weren't invited to the wedding, but were invited to a wedding dinner when we went out. I'm quite impressed with how her Dutch is coming on, as while her work (at University) is likely to all be in English, interacting with the local population isn't. As they live near the German border, the first assumption is that you're German if you're not Dutch.

Here's a quick wedding picture, needless to say she got married in black!.

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