Good Anti Virus/Anti Spyware

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Awhile back, I got the spyware from hell. It pretended to be an anti-spyware program that finds all these spyware penatrations on my system, while ironially, it was the spyware! I finally blew it away with Malware Bytes. The real anti-spyware does a fantastic job of finding and eliminating infections. But is doesn't do such a great job of preventing them. Just had to run another scan tonight. As I"m typing this, I'm thinking we just had a thread on the subject not long ago, or am I just having a Deja-Vu moment?
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hi D,
Which Browser are you using.?
Mozilla Firefox has lots of options and add ons.

The above quote was taken from here.

There is an entire family of that crap out there and I have yet to find a browser or AV software that is immune to it. I have seen it infect systems using just about every browser you can think of with just about every free and paid versions of anti virus software.

The two removal tools I have used with success have been Malware Bytes and Combo Fix and I generally run both. I actually keep both on my pen drive I carry around on my key chain. As good as Combo Fix is I have problems running it on 64 bit systems. I hear the new versions will run on 64 bit systems:

At this time ComboFix can only run on the following Windows versions:

Windows XP (32-bit only)
Windows 2000 (32-bit only)
Windows Vista (32-bit/64-bit)
Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit)

However, back on topic I have yet to find anything that will prevent the infection?

If you're running windows then I recommend Microsoft Security Essentials. It's very effective and is 100% free. It will protect you against viruses and spyware.

I've been using it for 1-2 years and it has worked flawlessly. I'm a heavy downloader also
I have to agree regarding Microsoft Security Essentials. It is not a system hog like some of the other programs.
Hi Eric, I run plain old Windows Explorer.

Honestly, using IE is like walking around with a target painted on your head.

When "baddies" sit down to create viruses and spyware, the first thing they aim for is IE.

It is so simple and beneficial to use another browser. Opera or chrome are faster than most other browsers, and more secure.

The first line of defense against spyware and viruses is to do away with IE.

The incorporated background installation/upgrade coding for Microsoft makes it a bad idea for a web-browser. Also, having it incorporated into the file system makes it a double whammy.

Use a browser that is isolated from your file system.

As for spyware-virus programs, grisofts' avg has a free version and is quite secure.

Get the free version, not the free trial of the paid version..unless you want the paid version.

AVG Free | Antivirus Download | Free Software | Worldwide

Having anti-virus, anti-spyware, social-networking protection and real-time link checking while browsing the interent keeps you from infected webpages.

All these options are in the free version.
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