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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Google Problems?

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After you've changed the host file.

Check to see it works. If it does great, it's something else.

Then reboot and check the host file hasn't been changed. If it's been changed, the virus is still on your computer. You could try removing the virus or changing the host file back, then changing its permissions so the system can't change it back which will require going into safe mode or using the command prompt if you're using XP home; we'l cross that bridge when we come to it.
After you've changed the host file.

Check to see it works. If it does great, it's something else.

Then reboot and check the host file hasn't been changed. If it's been changed, the virus is still on your computer. You could try removing the virus or changing the host file back, then changing its permissions so the system can't change it back which will require going into safe mode or using the command prompt if you're using XP home; we'l cross that bridge when we come to it.

I think the guy who had the trouble couldn't find anything on his computer and this was the fix.

To replace the corrupt Host file?
tcm , which browser are you using ?

I have both IE8 and Firefox. The problem was happening with both yesterday and on two separate computers. My main system and my laptop which has not been connected to any network port or used online for several weeks or more.

Today both seem to be working better while using either browser as well.
Odds are its another bug in the local ISP's systems again.

Probably a moth got stuck in a relay or a mouse burned up on a set of vacuum tubes or someones cows got out and tipped over one of the network outhouses again. :rolleyes:

(common computer geek jokes around here in regards to our less than fantastic or up to date local ISP. ) :p
I'm not surprised that the global warming alarmists stoop to this to get people to read their propaganda.

I wouldn't be surprised if global warming deniers concoct such a story in yet another pathetic attempt to smear scientists and those who support it (not to mention to circumvent the rules of the forum, as has been communicated by bryan1). I've seen every swindle, false logic, name calling and outright dishonesty used to try to ram their pseudo science down everyone's throats. And that's just the nut denalists I've read on this forum. :D
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Why is it that this GW issue has to propagate into almost every post in the Gen chat forum? Give it a rest already. I am sure there are other forums where you can belabor this issue to nausea as it has been done here. Okay I checked and here is the perfect place for these discussions. **broken link removed**

Seriously, enough already...
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Probably because it's banned?

Goodness knows why, most of the discussion has been fairly light-hearted, occasionally things have got a little lukewarm but I don't recall seeing any really nasty posts.
Goodness knows why, most of the discussion has been fairly light-hearted, occasionally things have got a little lukewarm but I don't recall seeing any really nasty posts.

Not everyone agrees that calling people "idiots", "_tards", "cultists", "nuts" and so forth is a reasonable, respectful and mature way to have a discussion, and I believe repeated usage of these insulting names is too often a substitute for the author's own lack of knowledge or ability to understand the subject being discussed. This subject always brings out the worst behavior of our members. Aside from that, disrespectful language and name-calling is explicitly prohibited by stated site rules, not to mention inflammatory and just plain irritating. Although… the "chat-chat" crowd seems to get away with alot of that without repercussion.
That's your opinion.

I'm not that offended by any of those silly kinds of names and anyone who is needs to grow up. I think it's normal to sling a little bit of mud when you're passionate about something, it shows you care. It's just when the sensible arguments go out of the window and it just turns to a slanging match when the debate becomes pointless, which I don't believe happens much on this forum, there might be the odd post here and here but we don't get pages of it.

You should visit some of the other forums I visit, you get called much worse than that there.

I try to apologise whenever I offend someone and even when I do, I don't think it always gets noted.
It's not just my opinion; but the opinions of members who desire mature and intelligent discussions. It's also the site's rule that respect always be maintained by any member posting on this site. It's the foul-mouthed, name-calling, insult hurling members who need to grow up. Those are the members who degrade the quality of this site and this forum. The best way to avoid having a discussion becoming a "slanging match" is to not go there in the first place. Intelligent, reasonable people come to forums like this to have intelligent discussions, and those who can't discuss from a perspective of factual intelligence and reasonable, logical arguments, and instead can only smear those who hold a different opinion, drag down the level of intelligence and make this forum just another barely coherent rabble. That's why the rules are clearly stated and why trying to maintain respect should always be the goal. And I really don't care what goes on at other forums. Mostly, the whole internet is just a bunch of unthinking bigmouths who can't make an intelligent argument if you held a gun to their head. This forum should strive to be better, not just ordinary.

With all that said, the vast majority of our members are respectful and have not engaged in this sort of immature behavior. It’s the few that continuously drag the level of the dialog down into the muck.

PS: I also disagree that making insulting remarks shows you care. What it really shows is you're a control freak and don't have a clue of how to have a reasonable discussion. You know the old saying; if you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, confuse them with bull$...
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I suppose you're right, it is immature to call people names because you disagree with them, but it's even more immature to rise to it. A pro-climate change supporter calling a sceptic a denier because they called them an alarmist is just as bad as the person who started the exchange.

I wouldn't post at a forum where there's no intelligent debate but just a load of fighting. The forums I post at aren't like that, apart from the odd thread which I quickly step out of. I like to visit forums where you won't get banned for silly name calling because I don't think that's the right way of handling it.

I disagree about the rest of what you've said though.

I don't think there's a problem with name calling and bigotry in general, as I said before, there might be the odd post like that, but it certainly isn't the general rule. I think most people here have made the odd post like that but I don't see the point in digging for dirt.

I disagree with some of the forum rules e.g. banning a topic, just because a few people have strong views on the matter, which will inevitably cause the odd very minor insult here and there.

I don't like the way decisions are made because there doesn't appear to be any clear and consistent leadership.

Who owns the forum?


Therefore isn't it him that is supposed to be making the rules, not the moderators who he merely employs to enforce his rules?

It doesn't seem right that a moderator can suddenly decide that a certain subject can't be discussed because it occasionally causes some people commit very minor misnomers.

There are some rules set by ElectorMaster which I disagree with but I respect them and try as best as I can to follow them because it is his forum but rules made by moderators? Sorry no.

If ElectromMaster announced that there shall be no discussion of climate change then I'd accept it but as the decision seems to have been made by someone without the authority to do so I don't.

If ElectroMaster announced that it's fine for the moderators to make the rules up as they go along, then I wouldn't agree but I'd respect that too because it's his forum and he can do what he likes.

Note that this is nothing personal, I just disagree with a few things and am voicing my opinion.
I stand by what I said before; the best way to avoid name-calling is to not go there in the first place. If you start a discussion by making insults, how the heck can you judge those who follow suit? How can you judge those who retaliate? No, it's not good to get down in the mud with pigs, but it's much worse to be the one who degrades the conversation from the start. Again, not my opinion, but the rules of the site, and those rules are there for good reason. Just look at the way some discussions quickly degrade once the name-calling starts. It's much better if you have nothing of any value to add to a discussion, then just read and learn. Insulting and mud-slinging have not helped anyone to understand the issues or become part of the solutions. It only confuses and distorts the facts.

BTW, when you punch me in the mouth, don't expect a hug in return. If you don't want a fistfight, then don't go throwing punches. Seems simple enough to me, anyone who thinks he is intelligent enough to participate in these discussions should be intelligent enough to understand a simple principle; respect begets respect; anything else is just baloney.

Again, this isn't just my opinion, but the rules that are clearly stated. If you don’t like the rules, you can simply not post. Problem solved. If the mods believe a thread topic has repeatedly descended into a flame war, then I think it's reasonable they would prohibit further initiations of the topic. The purpose is to maintain a peaceful, friendly forum for members to come and socialize with other members, just as the heading states. If there are a few who repeatedly want to antagonize and taunt, then they should probably be banned. The mods have been more than tolerant with those members, because AFAIK, nobody has been banned for doing so.
If ElectroMaster announced that it's fine for the moderators to make the rules up as they go along, then I wouldn't agree but I'd respect that too because it's his forum and he can do what he likes.
I don't see anything particular on that. I think super mods are free to take their own decisions and create new rules if required.

I think little name calling and required 'punch':) can be allowed in posts. That makes the discussion bit warm and energetic. Note that this is my personal opinion. I maybe wrong.

This thread won't be visible tomorrow smilie..png
I don't see it so much as "making up" rules, rather applying and enforcing rules. The only rule of this forum is stated at the top:

Relax for a bit and have a general conversation (off topic is allowed!) with other members. Please be polite and respect your fellow members.

Clearly, calling members idiots, cultists, etc violates this rule ( or principle, if you prefer ) Additionally, it degrades the atmosphere that is intended by providing this forum, IMO.
Sorry for derailing the thread.

I stand by what I said before; the best way to avoid name-calling is to not go there in the first place. If you start a discussion by making insults, how the heck can you judge those who follow suit? How can you judge those who retaliate?
Firstly I apologise to tcmtech for my part in derailing his thread.

However, I'll make one last point and then leave it.

Who's to blame for the derailing of the thread?

Firstly you could blame tcmtech for mentioning global warming in the first place, then you could blame me for making an anti-GW comment in response to him, we could blame you for responding to me and as last let's not forget Mike played a small part too.

The truth is, we all had a part in it, some more than others.

tcmtech could've not said anything negative about global warming in the first place but is it really his fault?

He didn't intend to start a debate and nor did I, even though I ended up participating in it.

The same goes or offensive remarks. I might say something which isn't intended to cause any offence but someone else could decide they don't like it and reply with a remark which they know will offend me.

Who's the worse of the two?
It's real easy, my friend. Just read what I said about starting out with name calling. The initial post referred to "idiots" "scare mongering" and so forth. In fact, it didn't really make any sense, but was just a bunch of insults strung together with no apparent logical purpose, other than to perpetuate the childish behavior that has cause other threads to be closed. Then you answered his dog whistle with your own degrading remarks. I waited for a couple days to see if the mods would make good on their promise to do "something" next time someone restarts the argument. While I was waiting, more insults began to show up on other threads. It's very clear to me who wants to push the envelope.
Firstly I apologies to tcmtech for my part in derailing his thread.
Firstly you could blame tcmtech for mentioning global warming in the first place, then you could blame me for making an anti-GW comment in response to him, we could blame you for responding to me and as last let's not forget Mike played a small part too.
tcmtech could've not said anything negative about global warming in the first place but is it really his fault?

First off I was just having a bad day and never put a second thought into what I posted. So sorry My mistake. My searches just kept jumping to different para science sites and global warming was what was the primary topic that kept popping up on each one. I was frustrated and thats all. Nothing more.

Hero probably did not have to agree with me but that was his choice not mine. My issue for this thread was and is an odd search engine glitch that happens from time to time that I wanted opinions on what it was and how to possibly fix it.

As far as the GW issue in this forum Brownout is who I see continually having hissy fits about what others think and say about it and has been a primary factor in getting the topic put on the short list. PERIOD.
This thread was fine and on topic until after post 24. From there it just spiraled out once again due to how Brownout sees what others view differently than him.

We all believe what we believe and we communicate what we believe by saying what we think. And I think my search engine bug is apparently gone today for what ever reason. :)
First off I was just having a bad day and never put a second thought into what I posted. So sorry My mistake. My searches just kept jumping to different para science sites and global warming was what was the primary topic that kept popping up on each one. I was frustrated and thats all. Nothing more.
Funny, I send BrownOut a PM saying just that.

Hero probably did not have to agree with me but that was his choice not mine. My issue for this thread was and is an odd search engine glitch that happens from time to time that I wanted opinions on what it was and how to possibly fix it.
Did you fix it in the end?

Has your brother had a look at it?

This thread was fine and on topic until after post 24.
I think you mean post 25.:p
As far as the GW issue in this forum Brownout is who I see continually having hissy fits about what others think and say about it and has been a primary factor in getting the topic put on the short list. PERIOD.
This thread was fine and on topic until after post 24. From there it just spiraled out once again due to how Brownout sees what others view differently than him.

It has been TCMTECH who has continued to sling names and insults at any and all references to Global Warming and tried to hijack threads to remake them into AWG threads despite the mods warnings. Period. He fools nobody with his "WHO ME?" baloney.

And the thread when off the rails at post #1 and post #5.

EDIT: And BTW, if I'm the primary factor in getting topics put on the short list (whatever that means) then why is it that every single topic I've participated in that has been locked or removed, your participation was prominent. And no topic I was in without your participation has every been locked or removed? Eh?
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Did you fix it in the end?
Has your brother had a look at it?

I never fixed anything and I have not had a chance to get his opinion on the topic but I will ask him this weekend if I see him though.
Maybe its another server glitch or something on his end of the system being we share a common private local wireless network between the three family farms.

I will post more when I know unless this thread gets deleted or locked.

Today so far the search engines seem to be working fine.
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