GPIO, serial or parallel

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New Member
hey guys,
quick question, can I transfer data independently on a GPIO port? For example can I input data on one GPIO pin and output data on another simultaneously? I not using a microcontroller I'm just using a simple USB 2.0 controller.

You are asking the equivalent of "Can my calculator add numbers together? I'm not using a calculator I'm just using a simple MP3 player".

Try posting details of the device you are using and what you are trying to do.

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Ok, specifying that it wasn't a microcontroller may have been irrelevant, but asking if I could transfer data in a parallel manner wasn't, besides i didn't know so I had to learn sometime. And what makes you think that I'm not new to this field, obviously someone new to this field would find the usage of a GPIO port on a USB controller a bit ambiguous.
And you still didn't provide any details of the device you are using or what you are trying to do.

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