GPS+GPRS functionality for circuit to email current location?

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New Member
Hi guys,

I need to make a device or just a circuit which consists of a push
button and other required circuitry. The aim is that when the push
button is pressed, the device records its current location (lat and
long) and sends it off in an email. How feasible is this? I was
thinking the circuit will require some sort of GPS chip, a SIM card
and a microprocessor as the controller. Could you please give any
advice or links to help me get started?

More from sparkfun:
Cellular modules with GPS:
SparkFun Electronics - GE863 Module with GPS
SparkFun Electronics - GM862 Cellular Quad Band Module with GPS

More cellular modules:
SparkFun Electronics - GM862 Cellular Quad Band Module

Cellular Devboard:
SparkFun Electronics - AVR GSM Cellular Development Board

I have no idea how you would get them to send e-mails though. It is possible you may need a special module (and perhaps a data plan) to do something like that.

SParkfun also has things like SIM card sockets and other bits and pieces like that.
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