Graphic LCD 96x64 w/ SED1565 Controller

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I know about those spacing but im talking more about the outer plastic. Like the whole connector. I need exact sizes to create a prototype connector. Because if its off by a little whether its too large or too little its a huge problem.
Hi Jason,

I've just been proving the little Nokia lcd with your C .hex code that a friend complied as I'm only on Assembler.

What I did notice was that you seem to be using the SPI ports, but the SDI is not connected.
On my projects with SPI unless the SDI receives data from the device or is fed by a loopback resistor from the SDO line then it will not work.

So was wondering if your C code was actually using the SPI module or are you bit banging instead ? - or have I got SPI all wrong ?


Looking at the code, and I'm not a PIC person, he's clocking each bit out manually.

I received my own displays, but have not had the time to work on them. I was thinking of making a screen buffer library, since I have lots of RAM on the ARM7 controller. Then I can do circles and lines and things.
The thing is i am using the SPI pins but im BitBanging...since if you use a Micro without SPI or dont want to have multiple on 1 line you can use what ever pins you want. what pic are you using..
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Thanks for that - just wasn't sure - no good with C and with seeing your other current post on slave bit banging, did make me wonder.

That Olimex board looks nice - almost like a laptop motherboard - you could always Ebay some of you Pic stuff - you must have a mountain by now
heh Nice IDEA! You are correct! i have a ton of Maxim-IC Chips and PIC tripples and SD Card connectors and stuff like that...

Ill try to create a new Ebay Account under my name since my wife has one but i dont want to use hers

Got a few RFID readers (SERIAL) parallex and a PING (distance) detector and PIR (motion) sensor.
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Selling unwanted chips is a great idea providing none of them are samples.
out of 10 about 2-3 may be samples.(i think 2 where samples) i ordered them for a project someone wanted me to do and then poof the guy disapeared.. Thanks goodness he paid
I think you are thinking of engineering samples, which are more like beta software, but on the hardware side. Standard samples that Maxim and such ship are production pieces, no different than retail.

ARM7 is nice, but there's just so few projects that you really need the power of an ARM7 for. It's fun doing the ethernet controller/server and stuff, but it's too much for most things and the cost of the chips, difficulty routing a board, and power requirements (they aren't that bad power wise, but they're no MSP430), make it limited in the projects it's really useful for.
I got mine yesterday! Hurrah. I wonder about the response times ... I would like to make a cheapo video wall with 2 - 4 lcds. Although I would rather have colour LCDs. I would really like to have a funky display with a home made car mp3 player. The VS10xx series chips are a touch expensive though.

The nokia 6100 lcd is up from $8 but is a bit tiny on its own. Anyway the pricing on these obsolete lcds beats that of the HD47780 based alphanumeric displays. And I am pleased with the size. Just need figures on power consumption though.
Nice to know Mark. I want to have the option to have alot of power. When i get this ARM7 i will use it for all just because its huge. I can make the small stuff with it and detail what i need when done like how much space it takes up and what speed i need and buy a smaller micro and use it.

Kinda like having a huge cup and filling it up until i want then if that all i need get a cup that size. just because you rather have more than you need then less

VISN thats cool. I would love to see some pics and schematic of what your doing
Part i own:
2 Parallax RFID
1 Parallax PIR
1 Parallax PING
1 Parallax 2 AXiS Accelerometer

4 Molex SD - 0676008001
3 Molex SD - 0547680977

8 MAX6953 (2 are samples)

and about 4-8 of each of these: (1 of each from below are samples tho)

This should be enough to buy me that Development Platform for LPC2378
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Right click and save as:

**broken link removed**

EDIT: Just fixed file should work well!
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New Video Coming in about 3-4 minutes. Shows how i set the time

**broken link removed**

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hi, everyone. I got to this thread through google. I have been working on the same display over the last couple days and would love to share it with folks here and get some help as well.

My code came from a CCS package I got on the web. I then adapted it for PICC (12f675) and then I decided that for what I wanted to do (as a prototype of a little portable scope), I needed something faster. so I went to ARM7. the code is compiled under Keil uvision3, mdk3.70.

I haven't figured out a way to post code so I will just put up a picture of the program running on proteus.

it works fine but has trouble displaying lower case letters some of the times so I am working through that right now. the display allows attributes (normal, overline, underline, strike, and reverse) to be attached to each string to be displayed.

two issues with the program now:

1) it doesn't display some of the lower case letters some of the times. see the red arrow. it should have displayed "hello, world", all in lower case but it is been shifted by 1 letter.

2) it has some remaining lines on the last line (page 8, d0, per the datasheet). now sure how data go there.

i will post the code once I figure out how to do so.


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