Gsm Digital Interception

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New Member
I'm sorry to put it to you sisters and brothers of the electron almighty, but is there anyone out there who might tell me or direct me to information to build hardware that would intercept all GSM calls in a given area? I was told that certain scanners could receive analog cell calls. But now that most cell phones are digital it requires something different. Anyone willing to help me?

Just WHY do you want to listen in to GSM cell phones? When Analog phones were still in use, I can remember nothing but mindless chat and the occasional pizza order being received on my scanner.
Anyway, here's a link to a commercial solution.
**broken link removed**

get your credit card ready!!
I Am Absolutely Floored

Thank you. It's like a telephone poll hit me on the head! They actually MAKE sophisticated hardware to intercept GSM digital phone calls??? Good god! I have a few drug dealers in my neighborhood and they recently got raided and a few pointed their finger at me and started following me around. So I want to tap their phones and see what they are up to. Forewarned is forearmed. Believe me, that is all. I just want to protect myself. Thanks again, my friend. P.S. I've already recorded a few conversations when they gathered near my house to talk amongst themselves. I used a high gain microphone and I picked them up at 60 feet with only the tiny 9 volt microphone dangling out the window. I WAS suprised at what I heard!
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