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GSM Modem Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller

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Thanks for the support.
Now I am able to read my SMS continously on my LCD. It was a problem related to Serial communication. An overflow error was happening . Now I just clear the flag continously.And I can readthe SMS continously
thanks fo the reply...
can u pls tell me how much does a gsm module cost?
i've heard that F/M bus protocol used in nokia mobiles can be used an alternative to gsm modem?wat is ur opinion?
GSM Modem cost

The modem costs from 3000-5000/-for a single quantity.
I too read about the F bus. but haven't used it. We need only 4 wires for the communication. It will be easier if 3310/1100 is avialable
does anybody else know more about F/M bus communication ..pls reply....
is it necessary to have an exta modem in the mobile for sending messages by AT commands...
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hi Sathiesh Kumar

i have the same problem on interfacing between PIC and GSM , I'm happy for you as you solve it

Hi to all..
At last i have send the sms using a microcontroller .. thanx for all...

as the others help you on solving it , can you please send the code that run with you to all of us can use it
waiting for your replay
thanks in advance
Hi Kumar!
I am having problem as you did, that i can't able to read sms form the mobile!
Would you give me some advice
Thank in advance!!!!
(I use mikroc as you)

I read this post. I am trying to do something similar. However I am using an IRIS mote which works on tinyos platform and I am trying to interface it with a GSM module (ADH8066) from sparksfun.
I have the GSM modem working with AT commands using hyper-terminal.
I also have the UART interface between the IRIS mote and the PC working with the mote sending AT commands to the hyper-terminal. However now when I connect the mote and the GSM modem, it does not work. I have checked the power supply for GSM modem which seems fine. All the baud settings are also correct.

I am not sure what I could be missing..Could it be something to do with CTS,DTR ?Can anyone please advise me as to how I should progress? It would be of great help.

Thanks for the support.
Now I am able to read my SMS continously on my LCD. It was a problem related to Serial communication. An overflow error was happening . Now I just clear the flag continously.And I can readthe SMS continously

im working on the same..will u plz send me ur code..this is a part of my final year project..
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Why can't you write your own code?

All you need to do is learn how to send and receive from a UART.

If it's for a final year project then you should really be researching how to write it, not get someone else to write it for you, this is a forum to help people, not do their work for them!

However, I'm sure if you paid someone the would write your entire project for you!

This thread is basically 8 pages of RTFM!

Start with the AT Command set for your module, interface with Hyper-Terminal or something similar, then move the code to the micro!
I am trying to receive messages through gsm+pic on hyperterminal.i have already done with sending part.can anyone give me some idea how to proceed for receiving messages through gsm on hyperterminal...
@shuchi sahay

You can connect your GSM modem to PC and send SMS to the SIM within the modem and You can see the messages on Hyperterminal

I am working on two way communication using GSM with pic16f877a microcontroller. I am able to receive msgs on lcd through gsm without reseting the microcontroller i.e one way communication.I have done with transmitting part also through gsm n able to receive msgs on mobile .now when i go for two way communication i.e receiving+transmitting at a time, its working nicely.But after each cycle i.e (receiving+transmitting) i need to take out the receiving pin of gsm,i reset microcontroller n den i again connect the receiving pin of gsm with microcontroller.after that i can again receive n further transmitt msgs.i dont want to do these changing of pins and reset controller , should come please help me regarding this problem.

Thanks With Regards.

shuchi sahay
BCS Innovations, bangalore.

hi.....I am also doing a project in which i will be interfacing a gsm modem with PIC microcontroller(16f877).
could u pl help me interfacing it
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