Guitar to LED Circuit

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New Member
Havent been on here in a while! I have been at work tweaking a little project I have dubbed GTR_LED (any other suggestions would be awesome).
Anyways, the circuit works great for me, just gonna add some transistors and more LEDs for a more dynamic Onboard light show! And even had more ideas along the way. Feedback would also be awesome!
Here are a couple of schematics ready to be picked apart and critiqued

In the second schem, that other IC is an LM3916. Apologies!


  • guitar_led.jpg
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  • guitar_led_v2.jpg
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LEDs show music much better when the circuit uses one of the peak detectors shown on the datasheet of the LM3915.
Without a peak detector the LEDs are a dim blur.
I have a Sound Level Indicator project that continuously shows the sound level from people talking, the TV or the stereo. It has a peak detector circuit. It shows a pin dropped on the floor in the next room and also shows screaming (or my dogs barking) levels because the LM3915 is logarithmic like our hearing's response to loudness.

Here is my peak detector circuit:


  • peak detector.PNG
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