Have you been vaccinated yet?

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It should be punished! To be an official is to serve the people, not to let the people fall into the heat, and for the new crown pneumonia, this is the result of the joint struggle of all Chinese people. So once the illness recurs on a large scale and the country does not punish you, we should also complain about letting him get gai'you! Because it is really uncomfortable to be closed at home for a few months!
No. As with people on the African continent, in S.E. Asia and Australia there are very few vaccines available to me (S.E. Asia) with foreigners toward the back of the line.
Here in Aus we have Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and from next week Moderna.

Here in Aus we have Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and from next week Moderna.

Here in Europe there is huge lobby against russians and chinas vaccines. And when i say huge i mean so f*kin huge...
And goverments even "punish" you ,when you get vaccinated with them. Advantages from being vaccinated do not apply with those vaccines...
Strange world we are living in...
I heard that first version of chinese vaccines are not as much efficient. But PRC should fix this. I am not afraid of that. China has big potential to fix problems in time pressure.
This impressed me yesterday: (if its true)
Some people will die after being allergic to the vaccine. I believe that in every country, some people will die because of incompatibility with the vaccine in the early stage of the vaccine release!
But we are very good now, because the experts have told us in advance some of the symptoms of allergies to the vaccine, so when I got the vaccine (June), it should be the version after several changes by the expert team, so I shot it. No worries at all.
At the beginning, I didn't get the vaccine either. I felt that the vaccine was not stable, so I didn't feel much after the vaccine. Moreover, after we finished the vaccine, we need to stay in the surveillance area for more than half an hour, so that we can check it a little bit. If we are allergic to the vaccine, the medical workers can treat it in time.
think it should be solved! People who I’m so afraid of dying have been vaccinated,
No. As with people on the African continent, in S.E. Asia and Australia there are very few vaccines available to me (S.E. Asia) with foreigners toward the back of the line.

I don’t know how other countries are doing! But when I was watching our news, I saw that our country sent a lot of vaccines to Africa, as well as many other countries. But I don’t know exactly how the government allocates it.

In China, it seems that there is no need to quarantine for 7 days after vaccination. It should be the same in other countries!
In China, it seems that there is no need to quarantine for 7 days after vaccination.
No quarantine because of vaccination in England.

I had to have a test before each international trip, each way, plus a quarantine and tests after arriving back in England.

There were also extra tests before being allowed out of the airport in Copenhagen, and after arriving in Sweden at the factory I was to be working in, programming a machine.
well ,guys, Will your health code or other proof that you are healthy change after the vaccination? When we finish the vaccine, our health code will change color. At the same time, our local characteristic buildings will appear on the health code, like this(This is random ).


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Will your health code or other proof that you are healthy change after the vaccination?
In the UK, we can get a vaccination certificate using the NHS (National Health Service) app or web site.
It can be shown on a smartphone etc., or emailed so you can print it.

An example - I just used the phone app to get a copy of mine & sent it to my PC, then did a screengrab; I've erased some parts for privacy.

In the UK, we can get a vaccination certificate using the NHS (National Health Service) app or web site.
It can be shown on a smartphone etc., or emailed so you can print it.

There's an official NHS website you can go to, you input your details (NHS number etc.) and an actual physical copy is sent to you by the NHS to your doctors registered address - we received ours a week or two ago.

Just had my 3rd Pfizer shot today. In Oregon you simply attest you need it, show them (local Walgreens drug store) your paper VAXX card and you get the shot in under 10 min.

So yes, World Health Organization (WHO), I sacrificed a child in a 3rd world country today.
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No, you used a shot that one of those anti-vaxxers was supposed to get. They are in my thoughts ("You stupid idiots") and prayers ("Please go quickly. Maybe you'll be a good example to the rest of your kind.").

Sorry, I am fed up with their stupidity. Masks are all but required here and shutdowns likely. I'm not in the worst areas of the US, but even in Washington State, the hospital situation is looking grim.

I'm totally against shutdowns or capacity restrictions to slow the spread to the anti-vaxxers. Let the Delta virus vaxx them as quickly as possible. Delta, burn that anti-vaxx freedom candle at both ends and the middle.

Those that can't be vaxxed because of medical reasons need to stay isolated during the wave.
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How much longer can they keep the lid on with the current case rate going exponential even with strict measures in effect..

I hope the protesters were all vaccinated.
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