HB Led's for car tail lights

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Cool, but the stuff you are talking about is not for newbies ..... i called those advanced led projects
but yeah, i will love to dig in to them later when i am confrotable doing my simple running/stop tailight scheme, no offense to your stuff, but i think i cannot tackle those at this time because of the scale/complexity of the project, but if you dont mind for now i want to try the simple stuff, running and stop brightness
no complicated moving, scrolling flashing sequences, i mean those are super eye catching but, you need to make a more complicated driver
to do those functions, do you have some simple stuff you have made, maybe the 1st projects you have done on the led tailight arena ?

so what about your choice of led's i have seen some piranhas high flux , and also
these ones
**broken link removed**
also somebody posted over here on another thread this chip

i think that will simplify a lot the circuit for people that are not xperts on building complex circuits
what you think ?
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I think a lot of the new cars with LED tail lights have clear difusers and very high intesity clear case red LEDs. I personaly find that LED tail lights are more noticeable during the daytime and especially at night.


Red/orange leds are the ones that automotive industry use not deep red ones... to the naked eyed the wave lenght of the red/orange appears brighther
thus led manufactuer can make led's to output more lumens per watt that on the deep red ones

chek the specs here on the red/orange and red
**broken link removed**
The insurer will ask the guy who rear-ended your car with the modified rear lights, "Did you see his car?" Of course the answer will be NO and the insurer will not pay.

not dimmer than a toyota tacoma ( the wimpiest oem led's to my taste ) and not brighter that an cadyy escalade
or they gonna said that they rear end your car because the get blinded LOL

The idea here is not to male a xmas light or some circus lights attractions
but some classy looking OEM vibe, that dont look DIY but factory
that way you dont attract suspicion

and btw, have you see those 80's cars that people put 24" or 28" truck wheels ?

besides to look supper bizzarre those are really hazards on the road, they have changed a lot the center of gravity of the car becasue of the height
the vehicle gained because of the non factory wheels
those are pretty common where i live and i never heard of an insurer accident that said... i am sorry sir i cannot pay your premium because your wheels and not OEM
if the state troopers and local police dont pull you over, you are ok... at least where i live
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Well then how are they going to respond when I put xmas lights on my car this year?
You'll find out, if your car is involved in an accident or is deemed to have distracted another driver who causes a collision .
You'll find out, if your car is involved in an accident or is deemed to have distracted another driver who causes a collision .

ok , ok
this "law" **** chat is getting way off topic
let's get back on topic
otherwise you are free to start your own thread on non OEM tail lights and the law
I started out like everybody else, except it was '76 and there was nothing like this forum... Using a LM3914 is straightforward, as it's a constant current driver and sequencer in one. As such, you can mix the number and types in a string.

I attached one version of a turn signal I've done. One thing: add up the voltage drops of any LED string you'll use, there's a minimum voltage margin for the 3914 to work with. (6 LEDs @ 2Vf each = 12V: won't work well, if at all) Good Hunting... <<<)))


  • TurnSig_s.jpg
    26.6 KB · Views: 167

that is awesome Ol
so just that you need to make that arrow to flash in sequence ?
Build it & play, reverse polarity is the only thing I know that'll quickly kill a 3914. The DOT switch is for instant on (no cap charging into V in). For slower sequences, a diode (not shown) from the V in cap and reversed to the power feed will drain it during the flashers' power off time. <<<)))
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You'll find out, if your car is involved in an accident or is deemed to have distracted another driver who causes a collision .

Oh contrair, In my opinion it is a good thing because then other drivers will notice me once they start to dose off. I have seen a lot of dosing/distracted drivers on my comute. Most of the distracted are probably texting and driving. Some I know for sure are texting and driving.

ok man

+1 dragon
Yeah... is better to get noticed than.... SLAMMMMM!!! in your rear....

Texting? If only that's all they were doing. Drivers routinely
  • Apply makeup (checking with a mirror!)
  • Eat entire meals
  • Browse the web
  • Gawd knows what else
while driving. (Local TV news runs items on this from time to time.) Amazing there aren't more accidents than there are.

So I agree that extra-bright DIY taillights are the least of our problems here.

(By the way, if you care (you probably don't), it's "au contraire". French "to the contrary", dontcha know. And "dozing". Dosing would be an even bigger problem, I guess ...)
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hey so what you think guys...
how do we start the project...
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