Hello. I have a need for a circuit that is a bit off the beaten path.

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He needs about 1200 Amps?

Welders are a cheap source of transformers they come in lots of sizes and you can connect transformers in parallel to get higher current.

I never knew you could connect any same voltage/current transformer in parallel?

even say 2 x 9v transformers which are totally separate? just parallel them into a bridge rectifier?
This will work too. This company sells 12 VDC 55 amp battery chargers by the truck load for only a few dollars each. Here is one for .99 cents. If you need 1200 amps you need to buy 22 battery chargers.

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Welders are a cheap source of transformers they come in lots of sizes and you can connect transformers in parallel to get higher current.

Understand, the light finally came on. Rather than 10 batteries stack a bunch of small welding power supplies. Now it makes sense.

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