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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Hello I'm back!

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Most definitely TCM. Just have to learn to keep that ego in check, and try not to quash the hopes and dreams of others by calling people stupid for simple posts. The majority of 'basic questions' (not schematic requests) are from an honestly curious people who want to learn and understand the nature of things around them.

The further I get along in years the more I understand that simply getting along with people in general is more important than the technical information you can exchange, because in order to get along with people you have to alter your general viewpoints to at least include their theory as a possibility, and questioning 'fact' is what makes all science possible, and lets people grow as individuals. No one ever got smart sitting in a box with no entrances or exits. It's others viewpoints that draw us out of our typical thought trains and teach us anything even if it's teaching us not to be like them =)
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All that garbage being said, forumlicker isn't so bad. Little off, but not that bad.
All that garbage being said, forumlicker isn't so bad. Little off, but not that bad.

Agreed. He's certainly not nearly as bad as some we've had. At least he's had the guts to stick around and appears to be working on learning the forum "culture", which is more than I can say for a lot of folks who've blown through here.


First off, I don't think you're some kind of evil idiot or anything. After your first angry email to me I wasn't sure but you do seem to be trying.

I think Torben is correct with the quote of my old name. What Mr. Bigkim100 told about my typing and abbreviation it's bounded within one or two threads I've started...I've worked on improving and taking care of my language while posting. I don't think I've made any dangerous advice on the forum. Prove it if you can.

Not anything terrible like "check to see if the wall outlet is alive by sticking a nail into it"; more stuff along the lines of the comment you posted that you didn't think any capacitor made by humans can be dangerous unless hooked up to a HV transformer. (They can.) Just stuff like that.

Prejudice is dangerous you know. I feel all you people have taken this golden opportunity to turn towards me, some were waiting I know! What you people are talking is about b**licker who is no more in the forum, his id along with all the postings are deleted. Now I can sense how that post came again for quoting..nothing but waited for an opportunity. I thought of being as a good person to continue on the forum with a new name. Still can't get what's wrong and where , also the need for continuing this topic.

To be honest, forumlicker does seem to be a nicer "you" than a**licker was. That said, you can't really expect to post the kind of reply that you did earlier and have people think "hey, I'm dealing with a really great guy here". That's not prejudice. (Also, if someone just decides they don't like you, that's not prejudice either.)

And just for the record, no, I wasn't waiting for an opportunity to post that. This thread just reminded me that it was in my email so took the chance to respond to it. If you really want to move forward from that, that's totally cool.

b**licker haven't had a good realationship with torben, yes! So I thought of coming back as a good person to clear it all. This is one proof:)


..but I don't tell the homework help section is added because of me :D
In short, I'm just a nice person as you people of course. Do not look on to my name. Blame me if I'm wrong on my posts. Forget the old name and posts.:)

I'm willing to look forward if you are willing to do the same. Truce?

Being people dont interact here directly and in person how a member types, what they type, and what they chose as a screen name and avatar is what ultimately represents them for better or worse. ;)

My spelling is poor and my punctuation is worse, my grammar is fair but not great, I hate babysitting the spell check program to make sure it picks the correct replacement word, my sense of humor does not always come across properly, and fortunatly I am not bothered by someone not liking me.:)

But I strive to share what I do know thats based on what I have actually done in my life and I dont get too upset when someone corrects me when I am wrong.;)
I try to respect other members above and beyond even when they dont show any respect to me or any one else and unfortunately some days someone will push and push and push until I do go off and respond unprofessionally. :(

But ultimately what I type and how I type it is what you all see and believe is me. Accurately done or not.;)
Improving your typing skills and acting more professionally and mature can make any shaky start just a think of the past but continuing as is and not improving or putting any real effort into changing yourself for the better will hold a person back more than anything else.;)

My typing has greatly improved since joining here now that I have to use it for a more casual application. My grammar is and always will be based on how I talk and that is mostly influenced by the local culture I live in.

If your after a positive feed back and reputation status earn it! I had too and I keep striving to maintain it.:)

A bad day gets overlooked, continual bad self representation does not!;)

what a pile of were trying to look cute and cool by typing in short form style....thats alll...simple as that. NOBODY gives a rats ass if your post has spelling mistakes...PERIOD!
You were using a "cool" form of typing normally only used in cell texting that NOBODY on here would put up with for more than a sentince...simple as that.
Stop acting like a Martyr, learn from your mistakes, and get going with being a member of the forumn. Nobody gives a rats ass what you did in the past, or what name you had in the past...hell if you didnt bring it up...half the people here wouldnt have even known any past transgressions. And if you wernt forgiven, I doubt that you would have been allowed to return.
And as far as my profile, and past postings...who cares!...why do you even care about MY PAST , and why you would spend more than 1 second thinking about what I care about, is beyond me.
So Im NOT a prissy, over-sensitive twit. I simply poke fun at egotystical little barnicles like you, and attemp to bring them down a peg.
AGAIN...WHO CARES...get on with your life!!
If I do happen to get kicked off here..(so far, the moderators have shown to have a sense of humour) dont life will go on...Ill just have to spend more time with the wife (SHUDDER!)
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Its one month old thread returned back Think about that. Search on Bigkim100's all posts! Look at his profile. Extremely odd..I found he's the most annoying character around the forum. A kind of retarded person. .


I dont know what to say....(wiping tear from eye)
Thank you...thank you..thank you....its sooo nice to be appreciated in ones own lifetime...Sniff..Im so touched.

AS WELL...Thanks TCMTECH for the "Retard" owl poster...I laughed so hard, I wet myself. I have since downloaded it, blown it up, and laminated it. Its posted proudly above my desk.
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I dont know what to say....(wiping tear from eye)
Thank you...thank you..thank you....its sooo nice to be appreciated in ones own lifetime...Sniff..Im so touched.

AS WELL...Thanks TCMTECH for the "Retard" owl poster...I laughed so hard, I wet myself. I have since downloaded it, blown it up, and laminated it. Its posted proudly above my desk.

Bad day at the winery? ;)
AS WELL...Thanks TCMTECH for the "Retard" owl poster...I laughed so hard, I wet myself. I have since downloaded it, blown it up, and laminated it. Its posted proudly above my desk.

Thank you! I am glad my humor is not lost on everyone around here! :):):)
I suspect its been copied a few times by now!
Off beat humor often makes my day go better! :D

I was hoping it would help ease up some tensions. The back ground mood on the forum in general has been getting rather uptight lately. :(
tcm it's almost always like that, that's what happens when you put a bunch of intellige people together in a field that is open to a LOT of interpretation.
what a pile of rubbish....blah.....You were using a "cool" form of typing normally only used in cell texting...blah...
And as far as my profile, and past postings...who cares!...blah...
So Im NOT a prissy, over-sensitive twit...blah...
If I do happen to get kicked off here...

Did you quote the right person in the above rant?
I was just thinking that yesterday. But last month when I brought it up it got shot all to pieces.
Since then I have mentioned that effect to several people that deal with the public all day.
Everyone said they were aware of it and felt it was a real phenomenon and not a coincidence.
Just a warning to both forumlicker007 and bigkim100. ANY more abuse from either accounts and you will be banned.

If everyone can keep an eye out for name calling or any form of attack on another member please click the report button and let us know. Or if you wish send me a PM and I will attend to personally.

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