Help for the project Dark activated lamp

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Then if the LDR is ok. What will be again the cause of the problem?
Try these two simple tests.
1, Connect a shorting wire across the LDR, remove the R3 pot from the circuit, the lamp should NOT light.

2. Remove the LDR, the shorting link and the R3 pot from the circuit, the lamp should light,

Lets know what you see when you do these tests, REMEMBER, disconnect the project from the mains supply when making these wiring changes.
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i connect the shorting wire across the LDR, the light is still there.

I remove the LDr and the shorting wire and r3 the lamp lights.

thanks 4 d help.
I have designed and constructed a microphone amplifier circuit using LM301 with a line driver SSM2142 and a line receiver SSM2141.The circuit is supposed to pick up any voice/audio by the mic and send it via 100m Twisted Pair Cable to a PC for recording and analysis.I am using an omnidirectional Yodata Laptop Microphone,but i get nothing on the output.The circuit(amplification etc.) on its own is perfectly working but the audio/voice part is not,cracking my head.I have tried a ready-made Phillips microphone on my circuit and i works perfectly but the mic described for the job turns me down..Please help
Please make your own thread and not hyjack this completely different thread.
You did not say what type of mic (dynamic, electret, piezo?) so I looked in Google and found only identical threads about it from you.
What type of mic is it?
You didn't post your schematic so we don't know if it is an electret mic that must be powered properly.
i connect the shorting wire across the LDR, the light is still there.

I remove the LDr and the shorting wire and r3 the lamp lights.

thanks 4 d help.

Can you post a 'clear' picture of the project so that we can see how its connected.
I suspect the SCR is blown again..
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