HELP: How can I repair my laptop batter charger immediately !!??

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If it is that urgent, and you need step by step instructions, try:

Go to laptop shop
Buy new battery charger
Go home
Connect new charger to laptop
Switch on and be happy!

If you wish to repair your existing charger, what tools do you have?
You will need:
Screwdrivers to open the case of the charger, (maybe a special "security" type for the special screws intended to keep the amateurs our).
Wire cutters.
Soldering iron and solder.
Solder sucker.
Maybe a sharp knife or scalpel.
And maybe some other things as well.

getting the case opened is the most fun you'll havethey can be a real help alot. but it'll be rough looking when you put it back together, I've just ended up hot glueing them back. otherwise its just amatter of cutting the leads off and resoldering them back in. I'd put a piece of small tubing at the strain relief just to keep my son from kinking the leads at the case, (thats why his broke there all the time).
Recommended: Buy a new charger

Last Resort (Do at own RISK!):

Cut Red lines with razor blade/utility knife WITHOUT cutting the wires.
Peel off jacket
Strip wires 1/4" back
Use butt connectors to join the wires together then crimp.
Wrap each butt connector with electrical tape
Wrap all three wires together with electrical tape
Check output voltage of PSU before connecting back to laptop


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