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help in Pic 16F84a programming (microC)

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New Member

i have a problem in a PIC project about "alarm clock" using pic 16F84a.
so iam really Need help, plz.

I am new and have never used PIC before, but no time to learn, i need to get this project running in 1 month.
But i do have basic knowledge in electronics and programming.

my basic problem that i can't learn microC language and do the project in 1 month, so i need someone to transform this program form Basic microC to MicroC as fast as possible .

' feel free to use this code at your own risks
' target : PIC16F84A, 16 Mhz crystal
' HS clock, no watchdog.
' Author : Bruno Gavand, September 2007
' see more details on ****Link deleted***

program alarmClock

' if you are using COMMON CATHODE LED display, uncomment this definition.
' if you are using COMMON ANODE LED display, comment this definition.

symbol  LUNDI           = 0     ' monday
symbol  MARDI           = 1     ' thuesday
symbol  MERCREDI        = 2     ' wednesday
symbol  JEUDI           = 3     ' thursday
symbol  VENDREDI        = 4     ' friday
symbol  SAMEDI          = 5     ' saturday
symbol  DIMANCHE        = 6     ' sunday
symbol  LMMJV           = 7     ' from monday to friday included

' alarm definitions, to be changed on your needs
symbol  NBALARM         = 16    ' number of programmed alarms

const   alarmTable   as byte[NBALARM * 4] = (
'       JOUR            HEURE   MINUTE  DUREE (secondes, 59 maxi)
'       DAY             HOUR    MINUTE  DURATION (in seconds, max is 59)
        LUNDI,          8,      30,     10,
        LUNDI,          12,     30,     10,
        LUNDI,          14,     00,     10,
        LUNDI,          16,     30,     10,
        MARDI,          8,      30,     10,
        MARDI,          12,     30,     10,
        MARDI,          14,     00,     10,
        MARDI,          16,     30,     10,
        JEUDI,          8,      30,     10,
        JEUDI,          12,     30,     10,
        JEUDI,          14,     00,     10,
        JEUDI,          16,     30,     10,
        VENDREDI,       8,      30,     10,
        VENDREDI,       12,     30,     10,
        VENDREDI,       14,     00,     10,
        VENDREDI,       16,     30,     10

dim maxcount    as word         ' number of TMR0 overflow per second
dim scaler      as word         ' RTC scaler
dim jj          as byte         ' day of week, 0 is monday
dim hh          as byte         ' hour
dim mn          as byte         ' min
dim ss          as byte         ' sec
dim digiled     as byte[4]      ' 4 x 7 segment table
dim digit       as byte         ' number of current digit to be displayed
dim dp          as byte         ' decimal point
dim key         as byte         ' key code
dim alarm       as byte         ' alarm flag

' the ISR works as real time clock
sub procedure interrupt
        dim i as byte

' count time
        scaler = scaler + 1
        if scaler > maxcount
                scaler = 0

                if ss = 60
                        ss = 0
                        if mn = 60
                                mn = 0
                                if hh = 24
                                        hh = 0
                                        if jj = 8
                                                jj = 1
                                        end if
                                end if
                        end if
                end if
        end if

' LED display
        PORTA = PORTA and $f0
        TRISA = $0f
        key = PORTA
        TRISA = 0
        PORTB = 0
        PORTA = PORTA or $0f
        TRISA = $0f
        key = PORTA
        key = not(key)
        TRISA = 0
        PORTB = $ff
        key = key and $07

        digit = digit + 1

        if digit > 3
                digit = 0
                i = $01
                i = $01 << digit
        end if

        PORTB = digiled[digit]
        PORTA = PORTA or i
        PORTB = digiled[digit]
        PORTB = not(PORTB)
        PORTA = PORTA and not(i)

        INTCON.T0IF = 0
end sub

' converts digit to 7 segment
sub function intTo7seg(dim n as byte) as byte
        select case n
                case 0  result = $3F
                case 1  result = $06
                case 2  result = $5B
                case 3  result = $4F
                case 4  result = $66
                case 5  result = $6D
                case 6  result = $7D
                case 7  result = $07
                case 8  result = $7F
                case 9  result = $6F
        end select
end sub

' select a value with keys
' value is pointed to by v, display char s as header, maximum value is max
sub procedure setValue(dim v as ^byte, dim s as byte, dim max as byte)
        digiled[0] = s
        digiled[1] = 0

        while 1
                if key.0
                        if(v^ > max)
                                v^ = 0
                        end if
                end if

                if key.1
                        if(v^ = 0)
                                v^ = max
                        end if
                end if

                if key.2
                        while key.2
                        scaler = 0
                        ss = 0
                end if

                digiled[2] = intTo7seg(v^ / 10)
                digiled[3] = intTo7seg(v^ mod 10)

end sub

' program entry
        dim i as byte

' init variables
        dp = 0

        hh = 0
        mn = 0
        ss = 0
        jj = 0

        maxcount = 15625

' init I/O
        PORTA = %00010000
        TRISA = %00000000

        PORTB = 0
        TRISB = $00

' init interrupts
        INTCON = %10100000
        OPTION_REG = %11011000


' clock adjustment
        setValue(@hh, 116, 23)
        setValue(@mn, 55, 59)
        setValue(@jj, 14, 6)

' forever loop
        while true
                if key
' display day and seconds (what for ? don't remember !)
                        digiled[0] = intTo7seg(jj)
                        digiled[1] = 0
                        digiled[2] = intTo7seg(ss / 10)
                        digiled[3] = intTo7seg(ss mod 10)
' display hours and minutes
                        if hh < 10
                                digiled[0] = 0
                                digiled[1] = intTo7seg(hh)
                                digiled[0] = intTo7seg(hh / 10)
                                digiled[1] = intTo7seg(hh mod 10)
                        end if
                        digiled[2] = intTo7seg(mn / 10)
                        digiled[3] = intTo7seg(mn mod 10)
                end if

' blinks semicolon (or decimal point)
                if scaler > maxcount / 2
                        dp.1 = 1
                        dp.1 = 0
                end if

' set decimal points
                digiled[0].7 = dp.0
                digiled[1].7 = dp.1
                digiled[2].7 = dp.2
                digiled[3].7 = dp.3

' check for alarm condition
                alarm = 0
                for i = 0 to (NBALARM - 1) * 4
                        if ((alarmTable[i] = jj) or ((alarmTable[i] = LMMJV) and (jj < SAMEDI)))
                                        and (alarmTable[i + 1] = hh)
                                        and (alarmTable[i + 2] = mn)
                                        and (alarmTable[i + 3] > ss)
                        end if
                next i

                if alarm
' set alarm
                        dp.3 = 1
                        PORTA.4 = 0
' clear alarm
                        dp.3 = 0
                        PORTA.4 = 1
                end if

plz plz guys .. i will be thanksful, if anyone help me
Last edited by a moderator: basic problem that i can't learn microC language and do the project in 1 month, so i need someone to transform this program form Basic microC to MicroC as fast as possible .

How much are you going to pay them?
Don't MikroC have a program that let's you change from basic to C There someting about it I no ive seen it some where.
i need it in micro C language because my supervisor insistent to be in that language :( ..
and i have no time .. so thanks alot if you really help me .
i need it in micro C language because my supervisor insistent to be in that language :( ..
and i have no time .. so thanks alot if you really help me .

Are you saying your supervisor (teacher?) expects you to learn to program in C in one month, AND complete a project, with no experience?

What skills or experience do you have?

The only thing you have told us so far is that you want someone to do all the work for you, and they have to do it FAST... :(

You just said in your other thread;
"... i have 50 days only to submit my project to my Supervisor at my final years at University"

If you are in your final year at University you should be able to do better than copy some code from Bruno Gavand and then ask other people to make it work for you. Maybe you will be more suited to a career in another field.
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